Chapter 13

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#Smith pov#

  "Are you sure?" I asked, uncertainty laced in my voice. "Yeah." Cedar replied. Her face had said good riddance to her anxious mask, and welcomed a warm, calm expression.

  "I'll tell the doctor." smiled Luna, and she went off. I sat beside Cedar on the bed(NOT IN THAT WAY NONONONONO) and she nuzzled her head into my jumper. I lay my chin on her head, stroking her hair.

  The door swung open violently. A tremendous voice boomed, "Cedar? Follow me." It was one of the operators, I think. He looked different from the doctor. Cedar nodded, and I carried her bridal style, following the operator.(is he called the surgeon? Because i dont think theres any surgery needed for an amputation…?)

  He led me to this room with white walls, and in the middle there was a bed-thing, and a metal plate of sharp, odd-looking tools. There lay a vast variety of, whats that, foots? Feet? Fake metal feets? But yeah, there were those.

  I placed Cedar on the bed, then quickly left the room because that doctor person looked as scary as fuck. Luna and me tried to wait outside, but the doctor shooed us away.

  "God…" I sighed, my shaking hands run through my hair(AAHAHAHA its My Fault by Imagine Dragons…) as I paced around the white-walled building.

  After waiting for what seemed like etenity, and Cedar still didn't come out, it was a quarter to 10. Luna asked if we could go back yet, but I shrugged. "You can if you want. Ross and Trott are probably awake now. I'll wait for her to get out first. Maybe they'd let her be discharged." I said nonchalantly. "Okay?"


  "Yeah, so I'll go now. See you later…?" I waved her off. All I remember before falling into a slumber was… Um… I can't remember anything anymore…

#third person pov#

  Well, since Smith can't remember any such thing that occured, let's leave him to sleep. Alex, Tom and Lily hadn't seen Luna for about half a month now.

  "I know!" He exclaimed. "We should call the police(or cops)! They can help track down Luna by her number!" "No Parv, that's stupid," Tom commented while tuning his keytar. "Yeah, so are you." he huffed, crossing his arms and sitting back down on the couch. Lily spoke up, holding up her phone, which the iMessage app was open.

"Luna says she's coming home in a few days. When her car is fixed. Properly." Lily stated, pulling back her phone. Tom shrugged, and Alex said, "YAY!!! I'll see my baby sister once more!!!" And then he just ran off, eyes full of colour and joy, grinning like he was a five year old had just gotten a exactly what he wanted for his birthday.

Unaware and not really caring, Tom went back to tuning his keytar with a tuner. "She'll come back eventually." He sighed.

(So you probably want smiff's pov now so here you go)

#Smiffy pov#

"Step, tap. Step, tap. Step, tap." the rhythm of the step-tapping awoke me from my slumber. I slowly fluttered open my eyes, only to see a smiling Cedar, with a new foot. She didn't put her shoe on for this foot, no, the new "foot" was now too big.

"Hey." She said, sitting beside me. I grinned back, hiding a blush(WHAT?!). She raised her leg up for me to see her new foot, and don't take this personally, but it was fucking creepy. Scared the shit out of me.(ps: I just remembered that amputation means removing the part completely, but let's just pretend it means sticking a metal foot into your flesh. Ok. And pls don't search for amputated foot on Google images, because it's fucking creepy. I did it and I'm scarred for life. Okay bye)

"Have you tried to walk yet?" I asked, smiling that she was proud of her foot. She shook her head. "Nah. I only just came out. Thought I'd come and show you." She smiled and stood up, but tumbled over and fell on me. I laughed and helped her up... Was that a blush I saw? Never mind, I don't care(OR DO YOU?!?) anyway. Trying not to stumble but unfortunately failing badly, Cedar had her hand in mine as we practiced walking around the hospital.

I watched how at every step, she would carefully stretch out her hand to balance herself, and if she tripped she'd clutch on to my shoulder, us chuckling as she did so.

Soon, she mastered the basics of walking with a new foot, and then started to do other thing, such as running, and kicking, and hopping with that foot. The running was alright, I mean, she already was a pretty fast runner so, I guess she passed? She tried to kick me, but I stopped her, and she almost fell backwards, if it wasn't for the nurse that had been keeping a watchful eye on us. When Cedar straightened up again, she attempted hopping. Let's just say that it didn't go so well.

For starters, balancing with the new foot was a difficulty, not quite sure why though, and then when she jumped, she landed and stumbled around, using the white hospital walls for support. After a while of messing around, I checked my phone, and the time read, "3:45"

"Shit..." I cursed, it was already 3 in the fucking morning! "Cedar, it's 3." I said warily. "I know, I have a watch." She held her left hand to show me a grey watch. Not to go too into detail, but it was pretty damn nice. A grey frame, a black background thing, gold-painted hands, and instead of numbers or indications, there was just III on the quarter mark, VI on half, IX on three quarter, and XII on the top.(roman numerals yo)

"So...?" I asked. "You said it was three. I should be the one asking it. But yeah it's three, so what?" She stated nonchalantly, coming back to sit down beside me. I hung my arm around her neck and stated firmly, "We have to go back now." Cedar shrugged. "Okay," she muttered. "Let's go."


#third person pov#(AHH I JUST LOVE THIS POV)

When the duo, one with a new leg but both extremely knackered, reached home, everyone was already sleeping, obviously. It was three in the fucking morning! Who in the world would be up at this hour?(idk maybe some people? SHUDDAP IM NOT TALKING TO YOU. okay bye)

Smith took Cedar up to his room(NO NOT LIKE THAT!! NOT IN THAT WAY!! *le sigh* dirty minded people) and brought up the mattress from the downstairs couch. He placed a clean, white sheet on top of it, before he let Cedar sleep on it. Once her head hit the pillow, she was out.

Smiffy smiled at the sleeping body of Cedar, then he went to change into boxers and a loose T-shirt and went to bed.


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