Chapter 12

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#Smith pov#

It's been a day since Luna fell down that hole. She hadn't yet came back up, and we were sure she'd come up soon. Hopefully, if the so called 'animal' hasn't eaten her or torn her to shreds.

It was quater to eleven, and Cedar was getting ready to go to bed. I'd let her sleep on the couch, and I was getting her a duvet from my closet.

"Here," I smiled, handing her the fluffy cloth that'd keep her warm for the night. Tomorrow we'd go down the tunnel with climbing equipment that Trott's dad lent us, and hopefully find Luna. She needs to get home soon; Parv would get worried.

I decided to stay up and edit our latest Hatcorp episode, so I strolled to my computer and set the brightness level to it's lowest, then started on editing.

Suddenly, there was a banging noise. Not a-knock-on-the-door sound, more of a desperate-pounding-on-the-window-or-something sound. Cedar shot up and looked at the window, where there was a splatter of rain every now and then, along with the banging sound. I realised it was someone pounding on our window in the rain.

Cedar and I raced to the door, carelessly fumbling with the locks and chain. Finally we unlocked the locks, and the door swung open, blowing a handful of rain and furious wind at our faces. A figure came and leaned on our faces, trying to shut the door.

"Luna? Is that you?" Cedar asked, caressing the girl in her arms.

"They've seen my cut. They've smelt my blood. They've seen my cut. They've smelt my blood. They've seen my cut. They've smelt my blood." She repeated this over and over again, widened eyes getting wider as the snuffling noises became louder.

She scrambled into the house, running for the couch. Cedar and I still stood there with confused looks. What the fuck was going on right now? Just as Cedar was about to get in the house, I heard something cracking, and she let out an ear-piercing scream that reveberated off our backs and continued on.

I quickly pulled her in, only to see a furious jaw clamped over her leg. I kicked its snout and it howled furiously, drawing back while I dragged Cedar in, kicking the door back and locking it. Cedar was breathing heavily and moaning. Luna stared at her, big blue eyes almost popping out. I looked at where Luna was looking, and to my uttermost surprise, half of Cedar's foot was gone! Right clean off!

Cedar was crying silent tears. My hands tangled in her hair as I hugged her. "We better get her to the hospital." Stated Luna, worry laced in her voice.

I nodded, lifting Cedar up in my arms. "C'mon. We're going to get you to a hospital soon." I said, stroking her hair. She didn't respond, she just lay there in my arms, quiet tears trailing down her face. Her lost foot was a disturbing sight. I still couldn't belive it. It was just gone!


#third person pov#

At the hospital, Cedar was rushed into the emergency room, so Smith and Luna were sitting on the plastic chairs, waiting for good or worse. The stale air swirled in Smiffy's lungs, choking him, as he ran a hand through his messy ginger hair. Luna sighed, her dull eyes staring ahead sadly.

Just after an hour, the doctor came out of the room in a mess. "She's calling for somebody called 'Smiffy'. Do you know he or she is?" The doctor asked. Smith stood up and said, "Me." The doctor rushed him into the room, where Cedar was hunched over in a corner shivering, muttering for Smith.

"I'm here, what's wrong?" He asked kindly, pulling her in for a hug. She was shaking furiously, and Smiffy hugged her head into his chest, where she sobbed.

"It hurts Smith... It hurts..." she said softly, clinging onto his neck with shaking hands. Smith looked down to her leg, where there was a large white bandage on her foot, and it was very thick layering. He slowly ran my finger over it, and Cedar winced. Just then, the doctor came in.

#Smith pov#

"Umm... We have to amputate her foot. and insert a fake metal one in order for her to be able to walk properly." The doctor declared with a grin note. Suddenly, Cedar's painful and sad tears changed into a worried mask as she heard those words. She opened her mouth to just a small slit, her voice barely audible, and whispered shakily, "I'm going to get an amputated foot?"

"Well," I said. "It's either that or your going to be on a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Which, considering you are only 22, is a young age to be not able to walk. The operation probably isn't painless, but getting it over and done with is the best option." I looked over at Cedar, who had stopped shivering, and her tears had stopped flowing, although there was a worried- and somewhat mortified- look plastered on her face. The doctor had left the room for a few minutes to let us cool down, and Luna was in here with us.

"So, what's going to happen?" Luna asked, taking a seat on an uncomfortable plastic hospital chairs beside us. She looked at Cedar, who still had that anxious face on.

"Basically, to sum it all up, Cedar had a nervous breakdown and now needs to get a fake foot stuck in place where her old one was. Now, we're fucking scared." I replied simply, turning to Luna. She looked surprised- which, I wouldn't be surprised- and asked quizzically, "So she's getting a fake foot."

"Yeah, way to sum up my sum," I said, slowly manoevering Cedar up to the hospital bed. She sat there, eyes red and puffy from crying, staring into the distance. Luna sat beside her and stroked her back soothingly. Although she was about 4 years older than Luna, they still acted all the same. And no doubt my age gap is the same as Luna's and hers, so I don't see a reason why she'd call for me... Maybe because I make her feel safer in my arms? I'm not too sure.

The same doctor from before walked in to the room. "The operation room is ready. We can amputate her foot either today, tomorrow or the next day. Only these few days." He told us with a feeble smile. We nodded back in understanding, and the doctor shuffled out again.

"I want the operation today Smiffy," said Cedar into my jumper. "I want the operation today."

I'm in a queue waiting to give my respects, and its taking FOREVER!! Plus its only like, what, 3am? And the line is really really really long. So I'm just going to write a chapter or two here... Don't mind me...

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