Chapter 14

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A/n: OMG I GOT THIS AMASJIN NEW CUP WITH LOUNGING CATS AROUND IT AHHHHHH!!! (picture in media) ps: it's a bit blur, so sorry, the camera was shaking a little

#Cedar pov#

I awoke to the aroma of sizzling bacon on the pan. The quick, popping sounds of the oil and bacon fat splattering made me walk to the kitchen, as if I was possessed by some Bacon-God or something. Luna was standing there cooking the bacon, one hand on her hip, and one hand holding the spatula that was pressing down on the bacon, making it sizzle even more. The peculiar thing was, she had one leg up. As in, like a flamingo, her leg was bent in, and her foot was on her other leg, so she was balancing and making bacon. Maybe it was some type of yoga?

Oh yeah, since I'm on the subject of foot(Or feet), my new one has really been getting on my nerves. Although I only had it for about a day, it's very annoying. Luna turned to me and smiled, "I see you're finally awake, huh?" I grinned back at her and said, "Well, we did come back at 3 last night, so..." My sentence slowly trailed off as Luna shuffled out of the kitchen, holding a plate with bacon and eggs on it. As she walked, my eyes fixed on the delicious pork on the plate.

"No, naughty girl. This is my bacon, my breakfast. No touching." Luna scolded. I frowned and slowly followed her to the table, where she placed down the plate and went to get a drink from the fridge. She didn't think to keep an eye on me, huh... Well I guess this is my bacon now then!

Swiftly, I picked the three slices of bacon off her plate and raced upstairs, opened the door that was closest to me, and shut the door. Sadly, it turned out that the door that was nearest to me was Smith's room door, and even more unfortunately, he had just come out of the shower in a towel that only covered the bottom half of his body. Damn he has some pumping abs... WHAT?! I blushed madly and turned to face the door, my face as red as a tomato. Or maybe, if there was something more red than that, my face would've probably been that shade.

"Uhh... Cedar? What are you doing in my room...?" He asked, awkwardness filling our bodies. Not turning, I mumbled, "Uh... Hiding from Luna. I stole her bacon." After a moments worth of awkward silence, Smiffy stated, "Well this is awkward." Yeah, way to state the obvious. I heard some shuffling, then I turned around, and luckily, Smith was wearing a shirt. He was also blushing, a light pink spreading like a disease on his face. I looked down, only to see the un-eaten bacon still clutched in my hands. It was getting cold...

"Soo..." I said, trying to ease the tension in the room. "You can change in the bathroom, right?" Without hesitation, he nodded, got his clothes out from his drawer, and closed the bathroom door. I sighed, finally able to eat my bacon without disturbance. Nope, actually.

"CEDAR!!! WHERE'S MY BACON GONE?! BECAUSE IF IT IS IN YOUR STOMACH, I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU!!!" Luna's fierce yells hang through the house. I giggled, slowly and "peacefully" munching on "my" bacon. WHAT?! QUOTATION MARKS ON MY BACON?! IT'S OBVIOUSLY MINE! Wait, what? I am seriously breaking the fourth wall right now. DAMMIT!

Luna had stomped up the flight of steps, and she came pounding on Smiffy's door. "Smith?" She called while pounding/knocking/forcefully trying to get in. He was changing in the bathroom, so he didn't hear her. I didn't reply. So it was quiet for a moment, before she started to bang again, this time raising her voice. "SMIFFY? ARE YOU IN THERE?" Again, no answer.

Just then, Smith came out, all dressed(luckily) and he gave me a questioning look. "SMIFFY I'M GOING TO KICK DOWN THIS DOOR IF YOU DON'T OPEN IT RIGHT NOW." Luna yelled angrily, making Smith startle. Quickly, I stuffed the last of my bacon into my mouth and hurriedly hid in Smiffy's closet/cupboard. Smith went to the door and opened it, only to meet a furious Luna. Through a crack in the wood, I could see what was happening. And it actually looked funny, considering their age gap, which was 8 years.

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