Chapter 10

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260 READ??! I know thats little, but still thanks..........

#third person pov#

"Oh shit, Luna!" Smith called, sprinting over to me. In his hands was a shiny blue box with a blue ribbon tied on the cap. "Happy late birthday," and he gave her the box.

Luna, with expressionless eyes, opened the box. Inside, there was a singularly beautiful gold chain, with a golden quartz gem hanging on by a piece of metal wrapped around it. Luna smiled, and her eyes filled with joy once more.

"C'mon, it's time for GTA with Sips." Grinned Smith, before walking away. "Cedar!" Luna called. "We're starting now!"

"Hello!" Said Sips, once they had started recording. "Good day!" "Good day!" "Hello." The Hat Films boys' greetings rang out. "What the fuck, Smith?" Asked Ross. "Why don't you say 'good day' like the rest of us?" "Because I fucking can!" Was his reply.

"Today we're joined with Luna," she said hi, "And Cedar." She said hello as well. "So what the fuck are we supposed to do?" Asked Luna, who really had no clue. "Try to steal vehicles, I guess." Replied Ross.

"So we're ready with our characters and masks, you guys just choose." Said Trott.

"Oh my fucking God Cedar look! You can be just like Catidy(thats her OC)! Theres a tatoo that goes on your face which is supposed to be scratches, but if you change the color they can be black whiskers!" Grinned Luna.

"Aaand there is a fucking cat mask!!!"(i know there isnt but be imaginative) Exclaimed Cedar in excitment. Luna chose her clothing, which, for the girl character in GTA, wasn't very different from the men. She got a white T-shirt and a black jacket, a pair of rainbow running shorts, boots and a batch of random tatoos. For her hair, she found something similar to her irl hair; black with red bangs.

Cedar, on the other hand, got a light grey shirt with a skull, a denim jacket, the 'cat whiskers' tatoo, tan jeans and for her hair, waist length of greyish-black and purple stripes. Luna chose a psycho mask, and Cedar chose the cat mask.

"Now let's choose our names and get started!" Said Sips. "I'm going to be... Kenny from Southpark." The three sirs and girls laughed. "I'll be Paragon," said Luna. "The Gingers," was what Cedar was going to be(lollll), Smith was Honey Boo Boo's mom, and Ross was In Space. Trott was Walrus.

"So, Mr Kenny-" "Kenny from Southpark!" Sips cut Trott- well, Walrus- off. "Mr Kenny from Southpark, sorry, what do you work as?" "An assistant Kenny for the assistant Kenny," Sips replied, laughing. Everyone else in the call cracked up.

"What are we doing now?" Asked Luna. "We're going to steal a school bus." Replied Ross. "Go in Smith's car."

Cedar and Luna got in Smith's car, then they drived to the destination where they would get the bus.

After finishing their recording, Luna exchanged her phone with Cedar to read the chapters.

"Dayumm..." smiled Cedar as she read Luna's chapter of Catidy. She was well blown away by Luna's writing skills. "You should write a story or something."

"Nah, I've got no time to," replied Luna, sighing, then abruptly stopping when Smith's scream rang out.

"AHHHH DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT YOU STUPID WATER VIPER?!" He yelled, and the girls chuckled. He was currently playing Lucky Blocks with Lewis, and they were in the arena fighting the water monsters.

"Hmm..." said Luna. "I think it's time for fnaf. Have you heard of it?" "No..." replied Cedar warily. "What's it about?"

Luna grinned. "I'm not telling you. Lets play fnaf 1, then we'll move on." Cedar raised a brow and looked suspiciously at Luna, who smirked back.

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