The Rapture [2]

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"I'm telling you, I don't know anything," Jimmy said for the umpteenth time as Selina lead him to the Mustang.

"I don't think they're inclined to believe you." Selina said "And even if they did, you're a vessel. They're still gonna wanna know what makes you tick. Which means vivisection, if they're feeling generous,"

"How long?" Jimmy asked "And don't give that cross the bridge when we get to it crap,"

Selina sighed in defeat "Don't you get it? Forever. The demons will never stop. You can never be with your family. So either get as far away from them as possible or you put a bullet in your head. And that's how you keep your family safe. But there's no getting out and there's no going home," She groaned when her cell phone buzzed and looked to see what the message was this time only to pale "shit,"

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"Nothing," Selina shook her head as she put her phone back in her pocket.

"What is it?"

"The demons set up an insurance policy to ensure I brought you in," Selina explained as she looked Jimmy in the eyes "It's your family,"


Jimmy and Selina got out of the mustang in front of the abandoned warehouse.

"All you gotta do is stay calm and stall." Maya informed "let me do my job,"

"You want me to stay calm?" Jimmy exclaimed "This is my family we're talking about,"

"Listen to me, this will work. Do you understand? Nobody's gonna get hurt,"

"Yeah, whatever. Give me a minute, okay?" Jimmy walked a bit away before shouting at the sky "Castiel, you son of a bitch! You promised me my family would be okay. You promised you were gonna take care of them. I gave you everything you asked me to give. I gave you more. This is the thanks I get? This is what you do? This is your heaven? Help me, please. You promised, Cas. Just help me." Jimmy shook his head "Typical." he walked towards the warehouse, Selina following close behind.

Jimmy's wife, Amelia, stood next to his daughter, Claire, who was tied to a chair and unconscious.

Selina felt her skin bristle in anger at the idea of a child being harmed just for the demon's gain.

"Hi, honey." Amelia greeted "You're home,"

"Listen, I'm-I'm begging you here." Jimmy stammered "You do whatever you want with me, but my wife and daughter, they're just-they're not a part of this,"

"Oh, they're a big part of this, Jimmy." Amelia taunted. She looked over at Selina "Got the knife?"

Selina held up Ruby's knife to show her.

"And you know what's funny?"

"You wearing a soccer mom?" Selina sassed. "Look, I brought him. Let these people go,"

"Oh, Selina." Amelia's eyes flickered black "Everybody dies,"

Two demons came up behind Selina and held her down as Amelia held up a gun and shot Jimmy in the gut.

Jimmy fell to his knees.

"Shit!" Selina exclaimed as she struggled against the two demons.

"Waste Little Orphan Annie," Amelia left the room while one of the demons holding Selina walked around Jimmy and towards Claire, who was still tied to a chair and unconscious.

The demon picked up a pipe and swung it towards Claire, but Claire suddenly grabbed the pipe in one hand and placed the other hand on the demon's forehead. The demon screamed as he was exorcised in bright light.

Selina felt herself fall to the floor as the demon holding her disappeared. "Castiel," she breathed. She looked over and saw Amelia move to attack, Selina held out her hand as she exorcised the demon from her body.

Castiel went over to Jimmy, who was dying from his gunshot wound. "Of course we keep our promises. Of course, you have our gratitude. You served us well. Your work is done. It's time to go home now. Your real home. You'll rest forever in the fields of the Lord. Rest now, Jimmy,"

"No." Jimmy negated "Claire?"

"She's with me now. She's chosen. It's in her blood, as it was in yours,"

"Please, Castiel. Me, just take me. Take me, please,"

"I wanna make sure you understand. You won't die or age. If this last year was painful for you, picture a hundred, a thousand more like it,"

"It doesn't matter. You take me. Just take me,"

"As you wish," Castiel touched Jimmy's face and a bright light emanated from his eyes and mouth.

Selina moved quickly to grab Clair as she fell, and Castiel, now in Jimmy's body, stood up. Selina handed Claire over to Amelia, before hurrying after Castiel "Cas, hold up."

Castiel stopped walking.

"What were you gonna tell me?"

"I learned my lesson while I was away, Selina." Castiel looked Selina in the eyes "I serve heaven, I don't serve man, and I certainly don't serve you,"


Selina parked the Mustang in front of Bobby's, sighing when she noticed the Impala parked in the front. She thought she was in the clear as the house was dark and quiet, only to be forced to stop before she could reach the stairs. Selina looked up and saw the devil's trap and cursed. "Shit," she turned when she heard the wooden floorboards creak and saw a pair of angry green eyes glaring at her.

"Where the hell have you been?"

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