I Know What You Did Last Summer [2]

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Dean remained stoic as he watched Selina move about the house.

"Looks like the demons beat us here. Whatever the deal is with this Anna girl..." Selina started

"How do you know about Anna and what the hell are you doing here?" Dean demanded

"Good to see you to bro," Selina said as she rolled her eyes "All right, so, I'm 'Girl, Interrupted,' and I know the score of the apocalypse, just busted out of the nut-box...Possibly using superpowers. Where do I go?"

Sam looked at family photographs and picked one up "Hey, you got those sketches from Anna's notebook?"

"Yeah," Dean said as he handed it over.

"Check this out," Sam picked out a drawing of a stained-glass window.

"She was drawing the window of her church,"

"Over and over," Selina noted as she looked up at the boys "If you were religious, scared, and had demons on your ass, where would you go to feel safe?"


Sam, Dean, and Selina entered with their guns drawn.

"So how have you been?" Dean asked

"Is now really the right time to have a small talk?" Selina questioned

"I was just curious because we kind of...you know..."

"Families fight Dean, it's not the end of the world,"


"Dean, Selina..." Sam pointed with his gun towards a person hiding "Anna?" they put away their guns "We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean, and sister, Selina,"

"Sam? No Sam Winchester?" Anna asked

"Uh, yeah,"

"And you're Dean. The Dean?"

"Well, yeah. The Dean, I guess," Dean replied causing Selina to laugh.

"Good to know you're ego hasn't changed," Selina laughed

"Shut up,"

"It's really you. Oh, my god. The angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Castiel pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us." Anna turned to Selina "And some of them don't like you at all,"

"Some?" Selina asked curiously, she had just assumed that all Angels hated her guts.

"They talk about you all the time lately. I feel like I know you," Anna told the boys

"So, you talk to angels?" Dean asked

"Oh, no. No, no way. Um, they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of...overhear them,"

"You overhear them?" Sam asked

"Yeah, they talk, and sometimes I just...hear them in my head,"

"Like...right now?" Selina wondered

"Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them,"

"So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just...tuning in to angel radio?" Dean asked

"Yes. Thank you,"

"Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember?" Sam asked

"I can tell you exactly-September 18th,"

Selina looked over at Dean "The day you got out of Hell,"

"First words I heard, clear as a bell-'Dean Winchester is saved',"

"What do you think?" Dean asked

Selina shrugged "It's above my pay grade,"

"Well, at least now we know why the demons want you so bad. They get a hold of you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're 1-900-angel," Dean told Anna

"Hey, um, do you know...are my parents okay? I...I didn't go home. I was afraid," Anna said

Ruby entered into the attic in a rush "You got the girl. Good, let's go,"

"Her face!" Anna shrieked as she saw Ruby

"It's okay. She's here to help," Sam reasoned

"Yeah, don't be so sure," Selina scoffed

"You're one to talk," Ruby sassed back "We have to hurry,"

"Why?" Dean asked

"Because a demon's coming...big timer. We can fight later, Selina,"

"It's not a fight if it's one-sided,"

"Pretty convenient-showing up right when we find the girl with some bigwig on your tail?" Dean intervened.

"I didn't bring him here. She did," Ruby pointed to Selina.

"What?!" Selina exclaimed

"He followed you from the girl's house. We got to go now,"

"Guys." Sam pointed to a statue that was bleeding from the eyes.

"It's too late. He's here,"

Selina took Anna by the arm and hid her in a closet "Okay. Stay in there. Don't move,"


Sam took out a flask of holy water.

"No, Sa, you got to pull him right away," Ruby argued

"Whoa, hold on a sec," Dean argued

"Now's not the time to bellyache about Sam going dark side. He' does his thing, he exorcises that demon, or we die,"

Sam put the flask away again.

The demon entered and Sam tried to exorcise him, but it didn't work. "That tickles. You don't have the juice to take me on, Sam," he threw Sam downstairs.

Selina took her turn to trie to exorcise the demon

"Hello again, Selina."

Selina was distracted by Anna's scream as Ruby pulled her from the closet.

"Come on, Selina. Don't you recognize me? Oh, I forgot...I'm wearing a pediatrician. But we were so close...in Hell,"

"Alastair," Selina whispered.

Dean stabbed Alastair with Ruby's knife.

"You're going to have to try a whole lot harder than that, son,"

Dean grabbed Selina as Alastair pulled out the knife, but before she could get the knife back Dean pulled her and they jumped through the window.

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now