On the Head of a Pin [3]

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Selina stood out on Bobby's front porch looking out at the night sky. She heard the flutter and knew who it was "If Dean finds out you're here...." Selina turned around and crossed her arms as she looked at Castiel "Well, let's just say I won't save you,"

"I don't know what happened. That trap...it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry," Castiel apologized.

"You understand that the demons aren't doing the hits, right? Something else is killing your soldiers,"

"Perhaps Alastair was lying,"

Selina shook her head "Alastair is a lot of things, but a liar isn't one of them,"

Castiel turned away, and Selina could tell he was preparing to leave again.

"I can tell you one thing though..." Selina called out causing Castiel to look back at her "Killing two birds with one stone," she noticed Castiel's eyes as he glanced down briefly at the ground "but you knew that already." Selina walked over to him and placed a hand on his arm "Cas, talk to me,"

"I'm alone," Castiel admitted his eyes softened from their usual soldier gaze as he looked at Selina.

"What do you want from me, Castiel?"

"I'm considering disobedience,"


Castiel shook his head "No, it isn't. For the first time, I feel..."

"Confused, terrified," Selina listed "Trust me...been there," she gazed down at her pocket, where the cellphone remained hidden,and thankfully silent.

"I don't know what to do,"

Selina looked Castiel in the eyes "I think you do,"


Castiel examined the devil's trap where Alastair was imprisoned. He noticed the dripping faucet and shut it off without touching it.

"You called?" Uriel asked as he came into the room "What do you say, Castiel? Will you join me? Will you fight with me?"

"Strange." Castiel replied, ignoring Uriel's questions "Strange how a leaky pipe can undo the work of angels when we ourselves are supposed to be the agents of fate,"

"Alastair was much more powerful than we had imagined,"

"No. No demon can overpower that trap. I made it myself." Castiel looked up at Uriel "We've been friends for a long time, Uriel. Fought by each other's sides, served together away from home, for what seems like forever. We're brothers, Uriel. Pay me that respect. Tell me the truth,"

"The truth is, the only thing that can kill an angel..." Uriel slid his blade out of his sleeve and into his grasp "...is another angel,"


"I'm afraid so,"

"And you broke the devil's trap, set Alastair on Selina...two birds with one stone," Castiel quoted what Selina had told him, now understanding what she had meant.

"Alastair should never have been taken alive. Really inconvenient, Cas. Yes, I did turn the screw a little. Alastair should have killed Selina and escaped, and you should have gone on happily scapegoating the demons,"

"For the murders of our kin?"

"Not murders, Castiel. No. My work is conversion. How long have we waited here? How long have we played this game by rules that make no sense?"

"It is our father's world, Uriel,"

"Our father? He stopped being that, if he ever was, the moment he created them." Uriel seethed "Humanity, his favorites. This whining, puking larva,"

"Are you trying to convert me?"

"I wanted you to join me. And I still do. With you, we can be powerful enough to..."

"To..." Castiel wondered.

"To raise our brother,"

"Lucifer," Castiel's skin bristled at the name of their fallen brother.

"You do remember him? How strong he was? How beautiful? And he didn't bow to humanity. He was punished for defending us. Now, if you want to believe in something, Cas, believe in him,"

"Lucifer is not God," Castiel reasoned.

"God isn't God anymore." Uriel argued "He doesn't care what we do. I am proof of that,"

"But this? What were you gonna do, Uriel? Were you gonna kill the whole garrison?" Castiel questioned.

"I only killed the ones who said no. Others have joined me, Cas. Now, please, brother, don't fight me. Help me. Help me spread the word. Help me bring on the apocalypse. All you have to do is be unafraid,"

"For the first time in a long time, I am,"

Uriel smiled, believing he had won.

Until Castiel punched Uriel through the wall several feet away.

Uriel got up and clobbered Castiel with a metal bar.

"You can't win, Uriel." Castiel proclaimed "I still serve God,"

"You haven't even met the man. There is no will. No wrath. No God." Uriel punched Castiel as he spoke, but before he could punch Castiel one last time he was stabbed through the neck from behind.

"Maybe. Or maybe not." Selina hissed in Uriel's ear "But there's still me." She pulled out Castiel's blade as Uriel collapsed.

Uriel screamed as white light flared in his eyes and mouth.

The light exploded out of him and out of the building.

Castiel stood up and looked down at Uriel's corpse.

Uriel's wings were seared into the floor across the devil's trap.

"It was disobedience." Castiel reasoned as Selina walked over "He was working against us,"

"Is it true? What Alastair said...did Dean break the first seal? Did I start all this?"

"Yes." Castiel admitted, "When we discovered Lilith's plan for Dean, we laid siege to hell and we fought our way to get to him before he..."

"Jump-started the apocalypse," Selina finished.

"And we were too late,"

Selina bit her lip as she considered her next question "Why didn't you just leave him there, then?"

"It's not blame that falls on you, Selina, it's fate. The righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it. Dean has to stop it,"

"Lucifer? The apocalypse?" Selina turned to look at Castiel "What does that mean?"

"I don't know,"

Selina scoffed "Bull,"

"I don't." Castiel turned towards Selina allowing her to see that he was telling the truth "Selina, they don't tell me much. I know our fate rests with your brother,"

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now