Lucifer Rising [3]

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Selina glared into the mirror as Castiel appeared behind her "What are you gonna do to Sam?"

"Nothing," Castiel admitted. "He's gonna do it to himself,"

Selina's thumb brushed the scar on her wrist "Why are you here, Cas?"

"We've been through much together, you and I, and I just wanted to say, I'm sorry it ended like this,"

"Look if you're gonna kill me. Kill me. But you can damn well be sure that my brothers will fight every one of you sons of bitches," Selina glowered as she turned to face the blue-eyed angel.

"Try to understand...this is long foretold. This is their..."

"Destiny? Destiny, God's plan, Lucifer's plan...It's all a bunch of lies, you poor, stupid son of a bitch! It's just a way for our bosses to keep me and keep you in line! Do you know what's real? People, families...that's real. And you're gonna watch them all burn? You're gonna watch Jimmy Novak's family burn?!"

"What is so worth saving? I see nothing but pain here. I see inside you. I see your guilt, your anger, and confusion. In paradise, all is forgiven. Dean will be at peace. Even with Sam,"

Selina glanced down at her cellphone and balled her fists up as she glared up at the angel in front of her "You can take your peace...and shove it,"

Castiel shook his head and turned away from Selina.

"No more crap about being a good soldier. There is a right and there is a wrong here, and you know it. Look at me! You know I'm right! You were gonna help us, help me once, weren't you? You tried to warn me about all this before they dragged you back. Just like my father is trying to drag me back. But unlike you, I'm nobody's puppet,"

"What would you have me do?" Castiel voiced.

"Get me to my brothers. We can stop this before it's too late,"

"I do that, we will all be hunted. We'll all be killed,"

"I've already died once. And I'll die again if it means saving my family," Selina scoffed as Castiel remained silent and unmoved "And you call me soulless,"


"We're done, Castiel," Selina turned away and closed her eyes as she heard the slight wind that signaled Castiel leaving. She moved to punch the wall, only for a hand to stop her arm. Selina turned to see Castiel.

Castiel quickly covered Selina's mouth before she could argue and pushed her against the wall.

Selina continued to look Castiel in the eyes as he brought out his angel blade, if he was going to kill her, he might as well look her in the eyes. She quirked an eyebrow when Castiel released her.

Castiel rolled up his left sleeve and used his blade to cut his arm. He used his blood to decorate the wall with a familiar sigil that Selina recognized from Anna.

"Castiel!" Zacharia exclaimed.

Selina moved so she was behind Castiel.

"Would you mind explaining just what the hell you're doing?"

Castiel slammed his hand against the bloody sigil causing Zacharia to disappear in a flash of light. Castiel turned to face Selina "he won't be gone long." he grabbed Selina and they appeared back in Bobby's.

"Selina?!" Dean exclaimed.

"We must find Sam now," Castiel reasoned, interrupting Dean.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know," Castiel admitted. "But I know who does," he handed Selina his angel blade "We have to stop from killing Lilith,"

"But Lilith's gonna break the final seal," Selina said.

"Lilith is the final seal. She dies, and the end begins,"

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now