When the Levee Breaks [2]

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Bobby crossed his arms as he looked at Dean "I'm gonna ask one more time. Are we absolutely sure we're doing the right thing?"

"Bobby," Dean sighed "you saw what was happening to him down there. The demon blood is killing him,"

"No, it isn't." Selina argued "We are,"


Selina sighed "We're killing him." she repeated "Keeping him locked up down there. This cold-turkey thing isn't working. If Sam doesn't get what he needs soon..." Selina bit her lip "he's not gonna last much longer,"

"No. I'm not giving him demon blood. I won't do it," Dean argued.

"And if he dies?" Bobby asked.

"Then at least he dies human!"


Sam was working on stealing a car.

A gun cocked.

Sam turned.

"I really, don't want to have to hurt you, Sam," Selina reasoned. "So I'm only gonna ask you this one time...come back inside,"

"You won't shoot me, Selina," Sam said.

"Don't test me," Selina said as she shook her head.

"You won't do it. You can't do it," Sam challenged.

"We're trying to help you, Sam," Selina cried.

Sam took hold of Selina's shotgun so that Selina couldn't aim anywhere but point-blank at Sam. "Then shoot,"

Selina bit her lip, her hands shaking.

Sam used Selina's inner turmoil to take the gun and knock Selina down, throwing the gun on the ground.


Sam sat in the corner of the hotel room, shaking.

Someone knocked on the door.

Sam answered; it was Ruby.

"Honeymoon suite, really?" Ruby teased sarcastically "I'm flattered,"

Sam shut the door behind her.

"Of course the wicked bitch of the south would be the one to bust you out of the panic room," Selina spat from where she was handcuffed.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" Ruby asked "The whole thing's engineered to bite me in the ass,"

"Then how did I get out of there?" Sam asked.

"I don't know." Ruby shrugged "I don't wanna know. You're out. That's all that matters. I'm glad you're here, could have done without the baggage though," she nodded to Selina.

"Bite me," Selina growled.

"Where the hell have you been?" Sam demanded.

"I got here as quick as I could," Ruby argued.

"I mean the past three weeks. I've been calling you,"

"I've been pretty deep in it trying to dig out Lilith. Sometimes I can't sit around and check my voicemail. I'm sorry you're hurting. Really. I had no idea that Dean and Junior would do that to you,"

"You and me both,"

"You didn't book this joint just to impress me, did you?"

"Dean's gonna come after me and Selina. And he knows my habits, my aliases, everything. He knows exactly which motel I'd pick,"

"Hence the room," Ruby nodded.

"Whatever it takes to shake him,"

Selina snorted "It won't be that easy. I mean, he knows you better than anyone,"

"Not as well as he thinks," Sam snapped causing Selina to shrink back a bit.

"You know, it's sad," Ruby voiced.

"What?" Sam asked.

"That things have gotten this bad between you three,"

"I need it," Sam said.

"You'll get it," Ruby smirked as she looked over at Selina "but it won't be mine,"

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now