Are You There God? It's Me, Selina Winchester [2]

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*A/N- The votes are in, so without further ado readers I present to you Colin O'Donoghue as Dereck*

*A/N- The votes are in, so without further ado readers I present to you Colin O'Donoghue as Dereck*

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*A/N- Now back to the story*

Selina turned around to see it was indeed no imagination, as she looked upon the familiar blue eyes she had once loved as Luna. "Dereck..."

"What no kiss for your old mate?" Dereck questioned with a smirk as he walked closer to Selina.

Selina backed up only to find herself boxed in by the countertop "You shouldn't be're supposed to be..."

"Dead..." Dereck finished "I am dead, no thanks to that Winchester you call a brother,"

"It wasn't Dean's were killing people, Dereck. Eating their hearts, you had to be stopped," Selina went for an iron poker only to hiss at the touch, the poker clattering to the floor.

"Can't touch iron, and you can't touch're not even a werewolf anymore. So tell me, how are you gonna stop me this time?" Dereck brushed his hand against Selina's cheek, allowing her to fully understand that he was truly in front of her and not a figment of her mind. Even with Luna gone, Selina still felt her emotions melt as she looked upon Dereck's messy brown hair and icy blue eyes.

Selina's eyes flickered down to a small brand on Dereck's hand.

"Don't make this harder than this has to be," Dereck whispered.

Selina was brought back to reality when she heard the familiar engine of the Impala.

"Selina?" Dean called out

"De!" Selina's shout was muffled by Dereck.

"Why is it every time that hunter comes around you decide to disobey me?" Dereck hissed "Now, come with me quietly...and don't worry about your brothers, they have visitors of their own,"


Dean and Sam entered the house, guns cocked and ready. "Selina?" they found an iron poker on the ground. Dean gestured to the stairs "I'll go. You check outside,"

Sam walked back outside and went through the junkyard "Selina? Selina?"

Selina was in a car with Dereck, who was keeping her quiet.

"Shh. That's a good girl," Dereck whispered as he kissed Selina's forehead, keeping a hand over her mouth to silence her cries.


Dean was upstairs, searching "Selina?" A door opened, slowly, no one was visible "Come out, come out, whoever you are,"

A young woman with shoulder-length brown hair appeared behind him "Dean Winchester. Still so bossy."

Dean looked at her in confusion.

"You don't recognize me? This is what I looked like before that demon cut off my hair and dressed me like a slut,"

Dean flashed back to Meg when she was a blonde and possessed. "Meg?"

"Hi. It's okay, I'm not a demon,"

"You're the girl the demon-possessed,"

"Meg Masters. Nice to finally talk to you when I'm not, you know, choking on my own blood." Meg held up her hands "It's okay. Seriously, I'm just a college girl. Sorry...was. I was walking home one night and got jumped by all this smoke. Next thing you know I'm a prisoner..." she put a hand to her head "in here. Now, I was awake. I had to watch while she murdered people,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Oh, yeah? So sorry you had me thrown off a building?"

"Well, we thought..."

"No, you didn't think! I kept waiting, praying! I was trapped in there screaming at you! 'Just help me, please!' You're supposed to help people, Dean. Why didn't you help me?"

"I'm sorry,"

"Stop saying you're sorry!" Meg slapped Dean and knocked him to the floor.

"Meg. Meg..."

Meg kicked Dean.

"We didn't know,"

"No...You just attacked. Did you ever think there was a girl in here? No. You just charged in, slashing and burning. You think you're some kind of hero?" Meg questioned

"No, I don't,"

Meg grabbed hold of Dean's jacket. Her hand had a brand on it "You're damn right. Do you have any idea what it's like to be ridden for months by pure evil...while your family has no idea what happened to you?"

"We did the best we could,"

Meg shoved Dean and kicked him again.


Dereck was still holding Selina captive "Are you scared, Selina?"

Selina held back a sob as she watched Dereck's fingernails grow.

"You don't need to be afraid, I'm only getting things back to how they were...before the Winchester showed up and took you away from me." Dereck brushed Selina's hair off her neck, brushing the bare skin with his nails "I know it wasn't your fault in killing me, the hunter got in your head and confused you, and that's my fault for not protecting you from him. But you won't have to worry about that anymore,"

"Selina?" Sam called out

Selina's eyes flickered towards the sound of her brother's voice.

Dereck moved Selina's chin so she was looking at him "Don't worry about him. He won't be able to find you,"


Dean was still on the floor, Meg standing over him.

"It wasn't just me, Dean. I had a sister. A little sister. She worshipped me. You know how little siblings are, right? How they'll do anything for you. She was never the same after I disappeared. She just...she just got lost. And when my body was lying in the morgue beat-up and broken..." Meg explained

"Meg," Dean said

"Do you know what that did to her? She killed herself!" Meg kicked Dean in the stomach "Because of you, Dean! Because all you were thinking about was your family, your revenge, and your demons! 50 words of Latin a little sooner and I'd still be alive. My baby sister would still be alive. That blood is on your hands, Dean!"

"You're right,"

Meg kicked at Dean again.

Dean took out a gun and aimed it at Meg.

"Come on, Dean, did your brain get french-fired in Hell? You can't shoot me with bullets," Meg said

"I'm not shooting you." Dean aimed his gun and shot at the ceiling. A chandelier fell and landed on Meg "Iron,"


Selina felt her eyes flutter shut as she began to give in until she heard Sam's voice get closer

"Selina! Hold on, Selina! I'm coming! Selina!" Sam exclaimed as he worked on opening the car with a crowbar.

"He's not gonna find you, Luna. And by the time he does, it will be too late," Dereck claimed as Selina closed her eyes.


"What do we say to death, Selina?" Dean asked her

"Not today,"

Selina threw her arm out, causing Dereck to disappear as his body hit the car. The door opened and Sam looked through in relief seeing Selina alive. "What took you so long?" Selina asked, her voice cracking from the strain.

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now