On the Head of a Pin [2]

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Selina put the needle back on the cart with his other tools. "Let me know if you want some more. There's plenty left,"

"Go directly to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars," Alastair said.

Selina smiled "Good news then, cause you'll be going down with me," she held up Ruby's knife.

Alastair looked at it and laughed "There's that little pig-poker. I wondered where it went,"

Selina dipped a ladle into a bowl of holy water and poured it over the blade.

"Do you really think this is gonna fix you? Give you closure?" Alastair taunted "That is sad. That's really sad. Sad, sad,"

Selina approached Alastair, watching for a moment, and stabbed him. She pulled the knife out of Alastair, whose head fell forward. Selina tilted it back up, ignoring the blood.

Alastair laughed "Now it's your professionalism that I respect,"

Selina turned away, disgusted. She splashed Alastair in the face with holy water; it steamed and sizzled. "Who's murdering angels?"

Alastair spat out blood and holy water "You're just not getting deep enough. Well, you lack the resources. Reality is just, I don't know, too concrete up here. Honestly, Selina..."

Selina poured salt into another container.

"You have no idea how bad it really was, and what you really did for us,"

Selina closed her eyes, clenching her fists around the cart "Shut up," she whispered.

"The whole bloody thing, Selina. The reason Lilith wanted you there in the first place,"

"Well, then I'll just make you shut up." Selina grabbed Alastair's chin and poured salt into Alastair's mouth.

Alastair tried to scream, he spat out blood and tried to breathe "Something caught in my throat. I think it's my throat,"

"Well, strap in, 'cause I'm just starting to have fun," Selina went back to the cart.

"You know, it was supposed to be John Winchester,"

Selina poured out more holy water, attempting to ignore Alastair.

"He was supposed to bring it on. But, in the end, it was Dean,"

Selina turned towards Alastair "Bring what on?"

"Oh, every night, the same offer. Same as John,"

Selina shook salt onto the blade of Ruby's knife.

"And finally Dean said, 'Sign me up'. Oh, the first time he picked up my razor, the first time he sliced into that weeping bitch..."

Selina turned roughly to glare at Alastair.

"That was the first seal,"

"You're lying," Selina growled.

"And it is written that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in hell. As he breaks, so shall it break,"

Selina turned away, her gaze on the door...wondering if Castiel was watching, listening...Did he know?

"We had to break the first seal before any others. The only way to get the dominoes to fall, right? Topple the one at the front of the line. When we win, when we bring on the apocalypse and burn this earth down, we'll owe it all to you, Selina, the demon who Dean sold his soul for," Alastair smiled as he knew he hit a mark "Believe me, I wouldn't lie about this,"

"No. I don't think you are lying. But even if the demons do win..." Selina's grip tightened on Ruby's knife "You won't be there to see it," She turned around, surprised when she saw Alastair right behind her, out of the chains.

"You should talk to your plumber about the pipes," Alastair smirked.

It was then that Selina noticed the dripping faucet and the broken edge of the devil's trap.

"Son of a..." Selina muttered before Alastair punched her.

"Dean Winchester isn't here to save you now," Alastair held Selina by her shirt collar and punched her repeatedly, then dropped her and picked her up by the throat and shoved her against the hexacle, lifting her feet off the ground. "You got a lot to learn, girl. So I'll see you back in class bright and early Monday morning,"

Selina smirked, blood covering her teeth, as she looked behind Alastair "Wouldn't be too sure about that,"

Alastair turned around.

Castiel was behind him with Ruby's knife.

Alastair dropped Selina, who didn't move, to focus on Castiel.

Castiel stabbed Alastair in the heart, sparking gold light, but not as much as when it kills.

"Well, almost. Looks like God is on my side today," Alastair teased.

Castiel lifted a hand causing the knife to twist itself.

Alastair grunted in pain and pulled out the knife, then tossed it away and charged Castiel.

The two fought as Alastair slammed Castiel against the wall, choking him.

"Well, like roaches, you celestials. Now, I really wish I knew how to kill you. But all I can do is send you back to heaven," Alastair began to chant in Latin, causing blue light to appear in Castiel's eyes and mouth.

The chant stopped abruptly as Alastair began choking and was slammed against the wall.

Castiel slumped to the ground in exhaustion.

Alastair glanced down at Selina only to see that her tired eyes were focused on the door. He looked over to see that Sam and Dean had arrived and that it was Sam playing tricks "Stupid pet tricks," Alastair sputtered.

Dean hurried over to Selina as Sam interrogated the demon.

"Who's murdering the angels? How are they doing it?" Sam demanded.

"You think I'm gonna tell you?" Alastair asked.

"Yeah, I do." Sam twisted his hand causing Alastair's eyes to roll white as he choked. "How are the demons killing angels?"

"I don't know,"


"It's not us. We're not doing it,"

"I don't believe you,"

"Lilith is not behind this. She wouldn't kill seven angels. Oh, she'd kill a hundred, a thousand," Alastair praised causing Sam to stop as he realized the demon was telling the truth.

"Oh, go ahead. Send me back, if you can,"

"I'm stronger than that now. Now I can kill," Sam held out his hand "'Cause nobody hurts my sister,"

Gold light flared inside Alastair as he screamed.

Alastair's host collapsed, dead.

Selina clung to Dean as she trembled, Dean figured it was cause she was coming down from the adrenaline rush and brushed her hair with his hand to help calm her down, but in reality, it was cause Selina was scared of the man in front of her.

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now