Are You There, God? It's Me, Selina Winchester [4]

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Selina woke up with a gasp, grasping her heart. She looked around to see Sam was asleep on the couch and Dean was asleep next to her. Selina noticed Castiel standing in the kitchen and walked over to join him.

"Excellent job with the witnesses," Castiel told her.

"You were hip to all this?" Selina questioned

"I was, uh, made aware,"

"Well, thanks a lot for the angelic assistance. You know, I almost got my heart ripped out of my chest,"

"But you didn't,"

Selina scoffed "I thought angels were supposed to be guardians. Fluffy wings, know, Michael Landon. Not dicks,"

"And I thought demons were supposed to wreak havoc...and yet here you are,"

Selina looked at Castiel in confusion "Was that a compliment, angel cakes?"

"Read the Bible. Angels are warriors of God. I'm a soldier,"

"Yeah? Then, why didn't you fight?"

"I'm not here to perch on your brothers' shoulder. We had larger concerns,"

"Concerns? There were people getting torn to shreds down here! And, by the way, while all this is going on, where the hell is your boss, huh, if there is God?"

"There's a God. Just like there's a devil," Castiel said glaring at Selina.

"I'm not convinced," Dean said, his voice causing Selina to jump in surprise. Dean put a reassuring hand on Selina's shoulder to calm her down. "'Cause if there's a God, what the hell is he waiting for, huh? Genocide? Monsters roaming the earth? The freaking apocalypse? At what point does he lift a damn finger and help the poor bastards that are stuck down here?"

"The Lord works..."

"If you say 'mysterious ways,' so help me, I will kick your ass," Selina told him, shaking her head.

"So, Bobby was right..." Dean inputted "about the witnesses. This is some kind of a...sign of the apocalypse,"

"That's why we're here." Castiel explained "Big things afoot,"

"Do I want to know what kind of things?"

"I sincerely doubt it, but you need to know. The rising of the witnesses is one of the 66 seals,"

"Okay. I'm guessing that's not a show at Seaworld,"

"Time and place, Dean," Selina hissed at her brother.

"Those seals are being broken by Lilith," Castiel said

"She did the spell. She rose the witnesses," Dean reasoned.

"Mm-hmm. And not just here. 20 other hunters are dead,"

"Of course. She picked victims that the hunters couldn't save so that they would barrel right after us,"

"Even adding psychopathic exboyfriends," Selina growled

"Lilith has a certain sense of humor," Castiel said, the statement causing Selina to want to pounce on the angel but Dean's hand stopped her.

"Well, we put those spirits back to rest," Dean said

"It doesn't matter. The seal was broken,"

"Why break the seal anyway?"

"You think of the seals as locks on a door,"

"Okay. The last one opens and..."

"Lucifer walks free,"

Selina scoffed "Lucifer? But I thought Lucifer was just a story they told at demon Sunday school. There's no such thing,"

"Three days ago, you thought there was no such thing as me. Why do you think we're here walking among you now for the first time in 2,000 years?"

"To stop Lucifer," Dean said

"That's why we've arrived,"

"Well...bang-up job so far. Stellar work with the witnesses. That's nice,"

"We tried. And there are other battles, other seals. Some we'll win, some we'll lose. This one we lost. Our numbers are not unlimited. Six of my brothers died in the field this week. Do you think the armies of Heaven should just follow you around? There's a bigger picture here. You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of Hell. I can throw you back in," Castiel vanished as Selina took a swing at him. Later Dean and Selina woke up.

Sam was already awake and up and about. "You all right?" He watched as Selina stood up with her fists balled up "What's wrong, Selina?"

Selina ignored Sam's question and headed outside, slamming the door behind her.

"So..." Dean said turning Sam's attention towards him and away from the angry 19-year-old demon. "You got no problem believing in...God and Angels?"

"No, not really," Sam admitted

Dean turned his gaze towards where Selina had left "So, I guess that means that you believe in the Devil,"

Sam looked between the front door and Dean "Why? Why are you asking me all this?"

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now