Chapter 24 - Apologies & Dinners.

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just a small note before you guys read this chapter : this is the last chapter of this fiction. I thought I would leave it on a good note, and I'm forever thankful for the support you guys have given me on Hard Candy. I hope the ending isn't too lame and gushy!

Lots of love, Mel.

   Kylo kept you up all hours that night.

Thankfully, Rey was not home to hear any of the chaos that happened.

Cramped in your small and rustic bed, Kylo never once took his hands off of you. He sunk them deep into you, until you were crying and begging him to stop. And then, he would thrust into you until he physically couldn't, making your thin sheets pool with sweat and other bodily fluids.

He had you crying and screaming in pure pleasure. At one point, after a long session of him delving his tongue into your dripping heat, you hesitantly traced a hand around the muscle slab on his chest, murmuring a few words. 'Can' you squeaked out, which to his response was a curling smirk and his hard cock ramming into you for the hundredth time.

To say the least, he took all his anger out on you, in the best way possible. Grunts and groans, spewing hateful desires from that motor-mouth of his. It wasn't until dawn cracked that you awoke in your bed, naked and sticky, eyelids heavy with exhaustion.

You found the other side of your bed empty, with surprise. You quickly began to panic, mind starting to race. Had he left in the middle of the night?

Standing from your bed, knees weak and wobbly from a long night of sex, you found a random shirt on the floor, tugging it onto your bare body as you quickly trudged out of your apartment bedroom. Only then, did you find Kylo perched at your kitchen bar, mug in hand, phone in other.

   You settled slightly at the sight of him. His face was pinched in thought as he spoke sternly over the phone. You listened to him speak as you began to trudge into the kitchen, making your own cup of coffee to start the day off.

"I don't care what you have to do, you get those papers off the shelves. I don't care how much money it will take, just do it." Kylo grit into the phone. Guilt instantly swelled in your throat. You knew what this was about.

   You try to swallow it back. Continuing to make your own coffee, you try to think of how you'd apologize. You knew things were better now with him, but there was no fixing what you had done. You wondered if you'd lose your job at the company if the paper was taken off the shelves.

You didn't have the courage to look him in the eye. Finishing your coffee, you bring the steaming mug to your lips, taking a long sip. It wasn't long until Kylo was hanging up the phone, placing it down and replacing it with his own mug. A thick silence fell between the two of you as eyes finally met.

"Who...who was that?" You asked him a small voice. He didn't answer for a long moment, eyes flickering as he sipped quietly.

"A friend I work with — Hux." He answered in question. You gave a small nod, although you had no idea who he was talking about. You quickly force yourself to look away from him, mouth opening and closing as you tried to gather some words, in attempt of apologizing.

"Don't," Kylo spoke quickly, before you could say anything, "I don't want to hear any apologies. I'm dealing with it, it'll be okay...I hope." He assured firmly, placing his mug down. You swallowed hard, eyes growing wide.

"But, Kylo, what I did isn't forgivable. You deserve a proper apology, what I did — it wasn't right. I betrayed you." You protest once more.

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