Chapter 13 - Research & Answers.

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It was one of those mornings. Bodies swaddled in floral-printed cotton sheets, warm sun pouring into the windows, dark hair splayed out across pillows. You swore even the birds were chirping with songs of morning dawning.

   And Rey was at your side, her soft chocolate-brown hair cupping her face in a mess of braids, her soft hand shaking your shoulder with one of her ray-of-sunshine smiles she always had.

   You wake with a sigh, brows furrowing as you blinked awake. Even in the sunniest mornings a familiar rain cloud still hung over your head, drenching your heart so full of heavy rain you couldn't even bother to wring it out.

    "What day is it?" You mutter into the pillow, a small frown pinching on your lips as you slowly became conscious of everything.

    "Friday." she offers in answer, her small frame travelling across the room to pull open the white sheer curtains, even more sunlight bathing into the shared bedroom.


    It had been exactly three days since you stormed out of Kylo's penthouse, mascara running down your face and cheek bruised red-purple. It seemed like distant memory now.

You could still see the look on Rey's face when you came back home that night every time you closed your eyes. She looked so shocked, made your heart twist in a million ways. She was just as angry as you, but she was there for you, comforted you.

She trails back over to your bed, resting her hands on her hips. You could see her hesitate for a moment, eyes flickering over you. "You know... I need to tell Poe what happened at some point. Somebody needs to know." She eventually sighs.

You were still in your bed, eyes spacing into nowhere. You had so many complex emotions about what happened, and it all just kept swelling in your chest, filling you until you felt like you were bursting at the seams.

    "It doesn't matter anymore, Rey. Just forget it..." you muttered sadly, turning over so you didn't have to face her any longer.

   "Are you kidding me? I can't just forget about this, he put his hands on you. He hurt you. Somebody needs to expose that asshole for who he really is." Rey protests, shaking her head of chocolate brown hair.

   You started to grow agitated. For the past three days she has been on your ass, pressing your with questions and bugging you about "exposing" Kylo for the man he really is. The thing Rey failed to realize is that people already knew how dangerous he was – including her.

   You decided to forget about it – not because it didn't matter to you, but because you knew even if you did try to expose him or whatever Rey wanted you to do, it wouldn't matter, because at the end of the day you'll just look money hungry.

    "'s my fault it happened. I...I was instigating him. It's doesn't even matter anymore, he probably found some other...girl." You hissed between your teeth. You didn't even know if you believed what you were telling her.

   You mustered enough strength to peel your blankets off of you, Rey watching as you stood from your bed with a small stretch, your shoulder sunk low as you reached for you diner uniform that hung in the bedroom closet.

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