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   You often felt unnoticed.

   The last few years had seemingly passed by you in a flash, hundreds of hours wasted away with your nose tucked in between a college textbook, and then your free time spent waiting tables at a run-down diner.

And all of it seemed to go to waste, for when you finally did get that diploma you spent precious time working for, it had seemingly gotten you nowhere, and those promised jobs that you were told came with it never came.

   It wasn't like your personal life was much better then that either. College frat-boy hookups had you in a permanent dry spell, heart break after heart break permanently ruining your taste for younger men.

   And all of that flurry of a mess added up, ending you up in a somewhat shitty New York apartment, room-mating with your long-term college friend, Rey, who was just about the only ray of sunshine in your thunder storm of a life. 

   Yet, you had no idea that this life you had gotten so used to would change, for the better, and a little for the worse. And all thanks to one man, a brooding, rich, older man for that matter.

   But, there was a time before you met him, and that was just the beginning.


   You were deep in sleep when you were taken out of it, awoken by a few shouts and something being thrown at you from across the bedroom.

"Turn your fucking alarm off." Rey groaned, half-asleep. She took a pillow off from her bed, chucking it towards you.

"A-Alarm?" You mumble into your pillow, writhing deeper under your blanket. You could faintly hear the alarm going off from somewhere below your bed.

An alarm, you thought to yourself. You had never set alarms unless you had somewhere to be. You didn't have to be at the diner until later in the day, meaning you were forgetting something.

Your eyes suddenly snap open, a gasp leaving you, and by the time it had dawned on you, it was far too late, you were sure of it.

"The interview! I'm late for the job interview, oh my god." You panicked, quickly tearing your blanket off as you desperately searched for your blaring phone.

You scramble for the device, noticing it was no longer on your nightstand, where it had been the night before. You lean over, spying the phone under your bed.

Fishing the phone from under the frame supporting your aged mattress, you eventually turn off the loud alarm, heart sinking your chest when you realized what time it was.

"Shit. I'm an hour and a half late." You utter to yourself, disappointment washing over you. Dropping your phone down onto the bed, You sigh, rubbing your eyes.

   Inconvenience after inconvenience, you thought to yourself. Every small glimmer of hope, a chance, you were given, was always ruined, one way or another.

   It was a great way to start off a morning, practically bathing in your own self-hatred as you cursed yourself out for fucking up, time and again.

"I take you aren't going then?" Rey spoke into her pillow, the morning pouring onto her from the window that hung above her bed.

"Not anymore, I'm an hour and half late. They wouldn't hire me even if I begged them until I was blue in the face." You answered, annoyed.

 HARD CANDY - Kylo Ren.Where stories live. Discover now