Chapter 11 - Jack & Coke.

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   "Rey, you wouldn't believe the number on the price tag if I told you. The dress is seriously beautiful." You muttered to your friend over the phone.

   The crimson-red dress was laid out across Kylos large bed. Your one hand held your phone to your ear, your other hand on your forehead. Guilt and regret knotted in your chest the longer you looked at it.

"Y'know, the first gift is always important. I remember the first gift I got from Poe -– it was this gorgeous opal necklace, you probably remember me wearing it. Anyway, you shouldn't feel bad about it. He bought it for a reason." She spoke, trying to comfort you.

   You swallow hard. "I guess, but it was just so much. I just feel bad for making him spend that much..." you trail off, voice going quiet.

   As if it was his cue, the tall man barrelled through his bedroom door, eyes searching as he looked for you. He leaned against the doorframe, a small grin on his face as his brows furrowed.

   Your eyes flickered between him and dress, lips speaking into the phone. "Listen, I've got to go. I'll talk to you later though, I promise." You tell Rey, hanging up before she could answer.

   "Who was that?" Kylo asked with a curious tone as you tossed your phone onto his bed with a small bounce.

   "It was just Rey. I was just catching up with her." You answered, taking the red dress into your hands. You felt the soft silk between your pinched fingers.

   He moves past you silently, disappearing into the on-suite bathroom. You could hear the sink tap running for a moment, before he peaked his head back out, thought on his face.

   "Could I ask you something?" He suddenly asked, making you glance at him over your shoulder. You nodded.

   "It's none of my business, but I thought I'd ask — do you have a boyfriend? I just wanted to make sure." He asks, tone unreadable. Your eyes went wide as his question.

   I just wanted to make sure.

   You blink a few times, registering his comment. Maybe you were just overthinking it all, but your mind began to reel. Why did he care if you had a boyfriend? You found yourself questioning yourself.

   " I don't. Why?" You ask in response. You noticed his tense shoulders relax slightly, head bobbing.

   Kylo never answers you, instead disappearing inside the bathroom again for another few minutes. "You should get ready soon, we have to leave in an hour." He eventually calls out.

   "What's the party for again?" You ask, beginning to slip off your jeans and t-shirt.

   Kylo waddles out of the bathroom moments later, eyes landing on your now almost nude body. You could see him swallow hard, eyes flickering down to your bare breasts and then back to your eyes.

   "It's a work thing. A friend I work with is getting promoted and he decided to celebrate. Unfortunately, I don't have much of a choice if I want to go or not." He answers, stifling a small chuckle.

   You notice his gaze flickering to your bare chest once more, making you roll your eyes. "My eyes are up here." You retorted, slipping on the red dress.

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