Chapter 18 - Pained Realizations.

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A week had passed by quicker then anticipated, and thanksgiving was now just right around the corner, leaving you to panic as you were still undecided about going to your fathers home.

You trudge out of Kylo's bedroom with a stressed groan, your body engulfed by the black hoodie you had stole from his walk-in closet. He scent clung to the fabric, the hoodie ending just above your knees from how big it was on you.

And as you track down Kylo, you found him standing at the double-sink in his penthouse kitchen, the tap hissing with water as he washed a few dishes, his blue-veined hands wet and soapy. His back faced you, his muscles tensing through the fabric.

You couldn't help but let your heart swell as you watched him. He looked so cute and domestic washing the dishes, and it made you think of what it would be like to live with him, to be with him, getting to watch him to do such domestic and homey things. But unfortunate for you, he could feel your hard stare on his back.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asks, his muscled back still facing you as he spoke, placing newly-cleaned dishes into a nearby metal-wired rack fo dry as he moved onto the next.

"Why wouldn't I stare at you?" You retort with a smirk, sliding into the kitchen bar and sitting on one of the leather stools. Shooting a glance at you over his shoulder, a piece of raven hair falls in front of his eyes.

He gives you an amused grin. "Touché." He responds, shrugging just slightly. "So, what's going on with your father? Thanksgiving is in a day or two." He adds, reminding you.

You sigh, resting your chin on the palm of your hand. "I know. I haven't decided yet...I should soon though, he'll be calling any day now, no doubt."

"Plus, I'm not sure if I can handle being around Patty — she makes me want to punch her face in." You add, stifling a small laugh.

His eyes grow wide for a moment.

"It's fine, her face is made up of plastic anyway..." you protest, as if it made things anymore better.

A smirk spreads on Kylo's lips. "Well, if you want my opinion, I think you should do whatever you're comfortable with. Don't force yourself to go just because you let your father guilt trip you into it." He admits.

You swallow hard. "Right, I just have to do whatever I feel is right...." you trail off. "Are you sure you're working on thanksgiving?" You ask him for the millionth time.

   He shuts off the tap, drying his hands on a nearby dish towel as he turns to face you. He lets out a heavy sigh, giving you an expectant expression. "I already told you the answer to that." He grunts.

   Your shoulders slump as you pout. "I know, I just think it would much more bearable if you came with me, even as a friend!" You protest.

   He furrows his brow. "I wouldn't call us friends, but nonetheless I can't go, and I apologize for that, but I can't control my work schedule...but, I did get you something in case you do decide to go." He offers.

   It was your turn for your brows to knit. "You got me something? Kylo, you already buy me so much..." you begin to protest, but was quickly hushed by him.

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