Chapter 3 - Angel.

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   For the second time, you woke in a bed that wasn't yours, this time the side opposite to you empty, sheets cold.

   You took your sweet time rising, tired eyes scanning the bedroom of Kylo Ren. The smell of coffee had lingered into the bedroom, wafting just under your nose.

   You felt slightly panicked as you came to realization that you would have to face Kylo, and face the shame that came with it. You were sure that you looked like a mess, your borrowed dress now crumpled and wrinkly from sleeping in it.

   You felt the silk of his sheets between your pinched fingers, letting out a heavy sigh. After collecting enough courage, you pushed yourself out of bed, pattering down the empty halls.

Your arm reached out, hands ghosting against the wall as you strayed further and further away from his bedroom. Your eyes studied the alien nature of his large penthouse.

It was such a contrast from what you were used to— leaking taps, cracked walls, broken lights. By no means were you below the poverty line, but by no means where you this level of spoiled.

As you followed the hallway into the living room, your eyes ghosted around. You had gotten a few glimpses of the space the night before, but now studying everything closely, your mouth fell agape.

The ceilings seemed to go on forever, the walls tall as voices echoed off the vacant space. A large leather couch sat in the living room, along with a newer model TV and expensive art hanging on the walls.

You found the space intriguing. The only hint of colour seemed to be deep shades of red, along with greys and blacks. The furniture was minimal, just the basics.

You trailed further, past the open-concept living room and turning the corner, coming into the kitchen. There, you found the man himself, Kylo Ren, seated on a stool and eating breakfast at his kitchen island.

His head perked up, eyes finding you. His paw of a hand gripped his black mug tightly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard at the sight of you.

He was already dressed for the day– his wide and tall build clad in a black knit sweater and matching black slacks, some sort of glinting Rolex on his wrist.

"You're awake." He notes in two simple words, voice unreadable and baritone in his chest as he spoke.

You stood there awkwardly, hands resting by your side as you looked back at him with the same intensity. "Oh, yeah. Almost didn't get out of bed, those sheets are really nice." You laugh, trying to make small conversation.

You can see a ghost of a smirk on his lips, quickly replaced the by the rim of his mug as he takes a sip of coffee, you had assumed by the smell of it.

A thick silence fell between the two of you as your eyes scanned his kitchen, mind racking on what to say next. The silence was awkward, but more uncomfortable.

He was different from last night. Now, his mind was no longer clouded by lust, words spoken with need. He had his walls back up, his business-man persona back on, although still as charming as when you met him at the gathering the night before.

"Would you like something eat or drink? I made a pot of coffee earlier." He offers, chin nudging towards the glass pot that sat just across from him in the coffee machine.

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