Chapter 15 - Ice Cream.

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The silk sheets were soft against your skin as your body rolled and stretched, hands searching for the man you had fallen asleep next to. Your heavy eyelids flickered open as you woke.

Not much to your surprise, Kylo was not found in bed with you. You took your time getting up as your mind quickly started to play over last nights events, heart heavy in your chest.

You ghost your hand over the cheek he had slapped days ago now, touch quickly dropping when you force the memory out of your mind. You took a look around Kylo's bedroom, trying to familiarize everything.

It was slightly more messy then before, clothing tossed on the ground and blankets and pillows around the bed. You figured it was probably a reflection of Kylo's mental state for the days you had been gone.

   You though back to last night, and how you begged him — you weren't sure what you were begging of, but you tried. You felt so let-down having him shut you down and discredit you for everything you tried to protest with.

   The worst part was, you knew Kylo knew everything you had said was true, and it wasn't that he wasn't listening, but that he didn't want to. And now, you weren't sure what was going to happen — you weren't clear on if you had completely lost him or not.

You mustered the courage to rise out of his bed – possibly for the last time as well. You slowly pattered out of his bedroom and down the familiar hall, rounding into the living room where everything had happened. Memories flickered in images, but you pushed them out of mind.

   You turn your head, only to find him standing on his patio, back facing you. You could scout each muscle on his back, flexing through his tight shirt as he inhaled and exhaled, a waft of smoke circling that head of long raven hair.

    Your body froze and seized at the sight of him. Part of you wanted to run, so far away, never looking back at him. But you knew that wasn't realistic, nor did you have the strength to do that. You weren't sure if you even wanted that.

    You were broken out of thought by the sound of his patio door slamming shut. He was no longer smoking out on the patio, his cigarette discarded and his big frame feet away from you as his eyes flickered over your frame in thought.

    "You're awake..." he mutters, almost as if he was speaking to himself – acting as if he was shocked you even awoke in the first place. You swallow hard, nodding.

    "Yeah, I am..." You respond, voice trailing off. The tension was so thick you found it hard to breathe.

   He nods, brows knit as he mumbled to himself. You wait for him to say something, to say anything – but it never came. So, you began to turn on your heel, forcing yourself to look away from him.

    "I'm going to leave." You decide, swallowing your words like a rock in your throat, eyes squeezing shut. You weren't sure if you were waiting for him to stop you or not.

   You were gathering your items, slipping on your shoes, each minute passing painfully. Kylo watched you, and only when you began to twist the knob of his penthouse door, did he stop you, calling out your name.

   "Wait, stop." He called out, words grit between his clenched teeth. He let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head.

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