Chapter 23 - Hard Candy.

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Kylo was sitting in his office when it happened.

Lounged back in his leather chair, phone pinched between his jaw and his suited shoulder. Some fucker was talking his ear off. He wasn't listening though, he had a pretty little thing perched between his legs, her lipstick mouth wrapped around his cock.

He didn't know her name. He didn't fucking care. She was a distraction, he was distracted, and that's all he needed. It's the same thing he had been doing everyday — ever since you were gone.

   Woman after woman.

   None of them ever satisfied him though — they screamed and they moaned his name, faked it till he finished with a grunt and kicked them out. But it was never you, so his appetite was never really fulfilled.

And it made him angry. It was his fault this fucking happened in the first place. Maybe he was too nice, or too charming, or too kind. And now, he was running from his own feelings, and trying to ignore yours.

"What I'm saying is, if we take this deal, it could be really beneficial for-" some man was rambling into Kylo's ear. He lets out a grunt of annoyance, his hand fist the girls hair and forcing himself further down her throat.

She choked and sputtered. His Adam's apple bobbed, teeth grit, eyes glaring. "Yeah, yeah – listen, I've got to fucking go. I'll call back." He grunts into the phone, slamming it down on his desk with a bang.

   At once, he pulls her off his cock, her blubbering lips gasping for air. She lets out a ragged groan, round wet eyes looking up at him from her position on the floor. He dropped his hand from her hair, releasing her.

   "You didn't cum–" she begins to protest, stung from his rejection.

   "I know," he hisses, tucking himself back into his expressive trousers, "I'm done. Get out of here." He finishes, glaring down at her.

   She registers his anger. It doesn't take her long to scramble up from the floor, tugging down her dress and collecting her heels as she practically dashes out of his office. He rolls his eyes in response.

He stood quickly from his leather chair, beginning to pace around his large office. The floor was carpeted with crimson red, his desk and chair inky black. Grey lights hung from the office ceiling. It was sleek, modern.

He grinds his jaw, tugging his pack of cigarettes from his suit jacket, followed by his lighter. He wasn't supposed to smoke inside the building, but he didn't care. It was his office. He was practically the boss at this point.

He sparked a cigarette clenched between his teeth. It lit and smoked, haze swelling in his lungs. He took a real deep drag, feeling the nicotine start to kick in, blood rushing as he let out a steady cloud of smoke.

He looked out the large wall of a window, which looked over New York City. He could spot traffic, and tiny ants of humans. He wondered if you were somewhere there, maybe walking on the street somewhere, or in a taxi.

He was broken out of his train of thought by the sound of his office door slamming open, making his head snap over. He let out a low grumble when he saw who it was — Armitage Hux.

 HARD CANDY - Kylo Ren.Where stories live. Discover now