~Chapter Five~

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About an hour later

[NOTE: the next part is back to Mia-Lynn's P.O.V.]

"Where are you taking me?" I laughed as I followed Jason through the hallways.

"Not saying! But trust me, you'll love it!" he called back.

"If you say so. How much further?" I replied, panting.

"Not too far, I promise." he said, opening a door at the end of a hallway and beckoning me to follow him through it, which I did. When we entered, I saw a table with three vials, each with a different coloured liquid inside.

"What's this?" I asked, confused.

"The way you make your choice." he replied softly. I hugged him. He jumped, then leaned into it.

"Thank you. Which bottles are which?" I asked, looking at them.

"The blue one is good, or Hope, the red one is evil, or Destruction, and the purple one is one that will remove your powers and make you have the same amount of magic as a human-elfling. I figured you might want the choice of neither of them. You wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get it!" he exclaimed, pointing to each of them in turn.

"Really? What did you have to do?" I asked, walking around the table and inspecting each bottle.

"Not much. I just sent a letter to the Overseers and they gave me these bottles in return."

"And I thought it was difficult!" I laughed. I went and picked up the blue and red bottles.

"I can't decide which one to take. Each has its own problems, and each has its own power." I said, looking at Jason.

"If it helps, could I tell you which I would choose?" he asked, meeting my eyes.

"More than you would know." I replied softly.

"If I were in your place, I would choose half of the red one and half of the blue one."

"But won't that just make me have none of the powers?"

"No. It gives you the best of both."

"Alright then. Both it is." I lifted the blue one to my lips, and gulped down half of it. I then did the same with the red one.

"You good?" Jason asked me, bending down. At some point, I had fallen to the ground, but I had no memory of doing so.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied, taking his outstretched hand and allowed myself to be pulled up. "Thanks." 

"You're welcome. So, how do you feel?"

"Amazing. Like I could fly forever without ever needing to touch the ground. Um, how are my wings?" I asked, trying to see them, but unable to.

"They're kind of pale blue with dark purple swirls. It's really pretty, actually." he replied, stroking the feathers. Now, if this was any other person, they would not survive without several broken bones and a severe concussion. However, with him it was alright. In fact, it tickled slightly. I giggled, wriggling a little underneath his touch. He grinned.

"Do you want me to take you flying?" I asked.

"Won't I be too heavy for your wings?" he asked in return, looking worried.

"Nope! I'm quite strong, and even if I wasn't, I could still do... this!!!" I exclaimed excitedly, touching his shoulder blades lightly. In a few seconds, he had sprouted wings of his own. They were light green with pale blue swirls, like mine.

"What did you just do?" he asked me.

"Gave you wings." I replied nonchalantly.

"Gave me- WHAT?!?! You literally gave me wings!?!?" he exclaimed.

"Yup!" I said, spreading my own. "Do you want me to teach you how to fly?"

"Of course!!!"

I laughed. "Let's go then!"

Just to let you know, this was basically a filler chapter, and for that I'm so sorry. The next one should be out between three and seven days.

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