Chapter Nineteen

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Mia screamed, and rushed at Aralissa, swords drawn, tears streaming down her face.

"Mia-Lynn Drea Ingla! You come back here right this second!" I yelled, gently laying Malachi's body on the ground and closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry my Queen, but I cannot!" Mia shouted back, slashing wildly at Aralissa.

As they were fighting, Jenin pulled a dagger out of her sleeve and threw it towards Simba. Without thinking, I leapt in front of him, and the dagger hit me in the heart.

I knew I was going to be dead in less than a minute, but I still had to protect my family.

Simba pushed something into my mouth, which I swallowed obediently, even though I knew that the cinnamon wouldn't work now, as I was too far gone.

My eyes closed for what felt like the last time.

"No, please! Saria, hold for just a little longer!" Simba cried, trying to stem the flow of blood ebbing out.

[NOTE: This is now from Simba's P.O.V. because why not]

Saria started to glow white, and her wings started to change colour, the green-blue turning pale purple with white flecks.

She was no longer of the Fallen.

She had changed.

She was now of the Immortals.

She would live.

Then, the hole closed up, leaving no trace of it ever being there.

Suddenly, me and Mia both started to glow as well, and our wings turned white as we joined Saria as Immortals. Malachi then rose up into the glowing brighter than the three of us put together and started gasping for breath, and darted at Aralissa and stabbed her, as payback for her 'killing' him. Then, as one, we dove at Jenin, and started to attack.

She shifted into her true form, a twelve-and-a-half foot tall she-demon, with glowing green horns, purple and blue wings, and blue-green skin. She was wearing a dress made of seaweed and shells, with an eel acting as a belt.

Mia laughed.

"You really think that a sea demon will be able to kill four Immortals? You're even weaker than I thought."

"Not kill. Only capture and weaken enough for my master to pick you off like the vermin you are." Jenin hissed, swatting her hand at us as if trying to catch us like flies.

We dodged, and each shifted into our true forms.

[NOTE: this is now back to Saria's P.O.V.]

Mia was wearing a pale purple shirt with navy blue cargo pants. Her blue-tipped black hair was flowing loose. Her wings were pure white, and were now reaching a span of three metres.

Malachi was an eight-limbed elf with large fangs that were dripping with venom. He was wearing dark green cargo pants, with a black shirt with six sleeves to accommodate his extra arms.

Simba was a sphinx with black, blue, and green patched fur, bright blue hair, and white wings with green-blue tips to each feather.

I was an octopus from the waist down, with the skin an amazing dark magenta colour. I was wearing a plain black shirt with a dark green oversized hoodie. My dark purple hair was elbow length and waving madly in the wind that had just sprung up. My wings were still glowing and were now the same colour as my tentacles.

Jenin flew backwards and hit the wall. I looked at Malachi, who was the only person with telekinesis that strong.

"Felt like it. And she deserved it." He shrugged.

"Can't argue with that. CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted, and we all flew towards Jenin, powers and weapons at the ready.

Mia was, of course, holding swords with vines for hilts and one wrapping loosely around the blade, ready to strike.

Malachi was holding a ball of charged water in one hand, and a sword made out of ice in the other.

Simba was preparing to toss balls of energy at Jenin, and whomever else she had on her side.

I was, of course, armed with my favourite exploding arrows. And several exploding daggers. And a poisoned sword.

Jenin drew her swords.

Mia reached Jenin first.

Their swords clashes were slightly muffled by the vines on Mia's swords, but still rang out through the Moon Pavilion with sounds akin to ringing cathedral bells.

When Malachi reached them, he threw the waterball at Jenin's back, electrocuting her.

She gritted her teeth, but fought on.

When Simba arrived, he immediately started to claw at her, tearing deep rents in her skin.

Then, I nocked an arrow, aimed, and fired.

It hit Jenin in the shoulder, making her unable to fight with that arm, as I had angled it in a way that, on impact, it would dislocate her arm.

Longer chapter for you guys! Hope you liked it. It was a pretty pathetic end to it, but it was the best I could do, especially as I was pressed for time. I mean, I wrote this in like an hour straight!

Anyway, the next chapter should be out in the next week or so.

Until then, bye!!!

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