Chapter Fourteen

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[NOTE: this is now from Saria's P.O.V.]

I screamed.

"Get away from there!!! If you touch it, you'll die and get covered with that stuff!!!" I yelled, and grabbed the back of Simba's jacket and pulled him away.

"I see you found my little gift. Do you like it? I have always loved the sight of a Pilinka flower." a strange, yet familiar, voice said.

I turned, and saw Jenin seated on a throne made of amethysts, jade, and onyx.

"What are you doing here?!?" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Well, this is my throne room, and after all, you were the ones who came here." Jenin replied calmly. She snapped her fingers, and a platoon of soldiers rushed in from either side, and attempted to pinn us down, but, of course, we wouldn't die without at least eighty of the one hundred-and-twenty attackers dying too!

Simba drew his swords, guarding my back as I nocked an arrow, aimed, and fired into the centre of the crowd.

The arrow exploded the second it hit something, sending bits of flesh, shards of bone, and even a few severed heads flying everywhere.

"Did you really have to do that?!?" Simba shouted over his shoulder, slicing at the oncoming waves of soldiers.

"Not like you do anything less gross! I mean, you literally chop off their heads! Or their chests!" I yelled back, letting another few arrows fly off, three in one shot each time.

They exploded with much more force than the others, sending several more soldiers flying off in all directions, most of them landing on the Pilinkas.

Then, my bowstring snapped.

I cursed, and drew a few daggers, and started lobbing them at the attackers.

"How are your daggers getting further than your ar-" Simba started, then was cut off. I turned, and saw that he had been forced back into the Pilinka.

I screamed again.

"Stop fighting and your friend will live!" Jenin called over the sound of the explosions.

I dropped my remaining daggers, my quiver of arrows, and my shatterbombs. Yes, my entire arsenal is made up of explosives, but I find it easier than using swords. It's either explosives, or hand-to-hand combat. Otherwise, it's just plain boring.

"Good girl." she said, as two of the soldiers came over and tied me up.

Then, she snapped her fingers twice, and Simba slumped forwards. I strained against the iron cables they used to restrain me, trying to get to him, but before I could, he blinked groggily, saw me tied up, and raced towards me.

I shook my head, trying to warn him, but he dove right into the fray, and started attacking the soldiers once more.

He was so distracted by the fighting he didn't notice the person creeping up behind him until they knocked him out.

Then I noticed the crown resting on Jenin's head.

"No..." I whispered softly.

Then, everything went black.

dun. dun, duuuuuuuuh!!! I told you this moment would happen!!! Did you like it? I did! Especially because this chapter was co-written by my friend Stinyfish! also, TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, hope you liked it!!!

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