Chapter Thirteen

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[NOTE: the next part is from Simba's P.O.V because he hasn't had one the entire story so far and also because why not]

A few hours ago, I sighted War Commander Saria flying towards us. I put down the shields, allowing her to enter the Sun Haven.

When she arrived, she was elated. Somehow, she had managed to infiltrate the Good Queen's alliance and tear it apart bit by bit.

News of her return spread throughout the Haven. The halls soon were crowded with warriors, all trying to get to the Moon Pavilion, where Saria was. Don't ask me why they know where she is, because I have no idea.

Anyway, when I reached the Moon Pavilion, Saria was in the ring, fighting the second strongest warrior in this division of the Sun Army, the Moon Division. We are technically in the Sun Haven, but meh.

Once she had finished, she jumped over the ring, and walked over to me. On her way, she snagged a bottle of water from a small table, opened it, and drank it up completely.

[NOTE: this is now the present]

"Hey." Saria said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door.

"Hey. Um, where are you going?" I asked, trying and failing to get my hand out of her grip.

"My room. Need to tell you something important. Something that has to stay between the two of us." she replied, breaking into a run.

When we got inside her room, she immediately locked the door, then set the inner workings of it on fire.

"How are we supposed to get out now?" I asked, looking around her room. It was bigger than I expected, around half the size of the Moon Pavilion. One-quarter of the room was filled with all kinds of weapons, where I assumed Saria trained. Another quarter was covered with examples of her elemental powers, such as a stream of water floating around through the air, a firefall, and several plants, most of them deadly. The third quarter just had a bed, some bookshelves, and a desk, all black or dark blue. The final quarter had a fish tank that took up half of the space, and the other part had what looked like a laboratory, where I assumed she was extracting the poison from some of her deadly jellyfish, snails, plants, or stingrays and putting it into her weapons, making her ten times as deadly on the battlefield. Not saying she wasn't the most dangerous person there, of course.

"The passages. That, or I could just rebuild the keyhole. I mean, the lock is made of vines, after all."

"Okay. What is it you wanted to talk about?" I questioned, peering closer at the tank. The largest stingray stared eerily back at me, flicking its tail dangerously.

I jumped back as it suddenly smashed itself against the glass, trying to get to me.

"I wanted to show you something. Watch carefully and do exactly as I tell you." she said seriously, and twisted the sword laying on the top of her lowest bookshelf.

A hole opened up in the wall, and she hopped inside. I followed her hesitantly. I mean, why would I follow her into a dark hole that looked like it led to the Dark Fallen's home. Which, to be fair, is probably better than being in the so-called 'good' queen's stronghold.

When we had been crawling through the tunnel for who knows how long, I saw a purplish light ahead. I tapped Saria's foot, and she stopped, turned, and whacked me on the head.

Then, she signed, "Why on all the stars would you do that!!!"

I signed back, "The light! Can you see it?"

"Duh!!! I'm not blind!!!" she replied, whacking me again, turned, and started crawling again. I followed.

When we reached the source of the light, I saw that it came from glowing, crystalised plants. It was quite pretty, until I saw that it didn't just coat the plants.

There were skeletons encased there.

Human skeletons.

CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Bet you hate me when I do them but meh.  Did you like the twist? Also, the moment you have been waiting for will happen next chapter, I promise! It'll either be out later today or sometime this week. Trust me, I've already started writing it!

One last thing. NEW SHIP!!! Simbia? Sarba? I have no idea.

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