~Chapter Six~

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[NOTE: This is Jason's P.O.V. because how else am I expected to explain learning to fly?]

Normally, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything. But, with Mia-Lynn, all the things she explained to me were crystal clear. Well, more glass clear, as crystals are not clear whatsoever. Anyway, when she explained how she found the undercurrents that lifted her up, I immediately caught on. Flying was surprisingly easy compared to speaking Anglera or any of the human languages. All I had to do was trust that the wind wouldn't drop me, and my wings did the rest. Mia occasionally yelled out instructions like "Dip your wings a little so you don't go into a cloud!" or "Go a bit higher, you're getting too close to the canopy!", which I found extremely helpful. When we were so tired we could barely flap, Mia took us down to a little clearing in the middle of the forest, where we just lay panting on the grass.

"That. Was. AWSOME!!!" I said between breaths.

"I know. And I'm really sorry about this!" she replied. I opened my mouth to ask her why she said that when I felt something wrap around my ankles, and pin my arms to my sides. When I looked down, I saw that vines had completely covered me from my neck down to my toes. I was trapped. I then realized that she had left my wings unbound, but I was unable to fly anyway because the vines tethered me to the ground. Mia leaned over me.

"Like I said, I'm really sorry. I wish I didn't have to do this, but it's not up to me." she said, then walked away. It was then that I realized her wings were pure black, as were her eyes.

She was one of the Fallen.

But how? None of the 'potions' I gave her would turn her evil!

"Mia. Don't do this!" I called, struggling against the vines.

"I'm sorry, I really am." she replied, tears streaming down her face. Then, she muttered something under her breath, and my wings disappeared.

"Well done, Anger. I'm proud of you. To be honest, I didn't think you could do it, yet you have." I heard a strange voice say.

"Thanks. I didn't think so either." Mia replied, walking over to me. She gestured, and the vines lifted me up and placed me upright in front of her. Then, they tightened, choking me, as Mia stalked closer like a lioness approaching her prey.

"Mia, please!" I begged, struggling to breathe.

"This isn't you!"

"You're wrong! This is me! This is the person I have been hiding. This is who I truly am. You were just too blind to see it!" she roared, clenching her fist, causing the vines to tighten further.

Then, a guy came over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Absolutely." she replied. She waved her hand, and the vines constricting me shrunk back into the ground. All that was left was two vines that wrapped around my wrists and ankles, causing me to topple forwards onto my face. I groaned, then flipped over onto my back, and tried to stand. The guy pulled me up by the front of my shirt, and shoved me through a portal. When I fell out of it, or, at least, I think I fell out of it, I found myself surrounded by blackness. I then felt someone else come through the portal and crash into me. I heard another person come through, then some muttered cursing as they fumbled around for the lightswitch, then flick it on. After my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, I saw I was in a room that was completely bare except for a chair in the centre of the room. Mia shoved me towards it, and, when I was seated, she transferred the vines from my wrists to around my chest and shoulders, effectively restraining me to the chair. I struggled against it, trying to find a way to escape.

"Oh, don't even bother. You'll just exhaust yourself before I have a chance to play, and we wouldn't want that to happen, now, would we?" Mia said, tipping my face up so that I was forced to meet her gaze. I tried to look away, but found I couldn't thanks to the vines that had covered me from head to toe this time, leaving only my face free. Then Mia turned around, and flew over to where he was waiting. He offered her his arm like the gentleman he most certainly was not, and they left the room together. A moment later, Mia appeared in front of me, snapped her fingers, and caused the vines to grow over my face. Then I felt something whack into the back of my head, knocking me out.

Yessss!!! Two chapters in one day! I had no idea what I was doing, but, hey, it worked! Should Mia be evil, or should Jason? Please tell me which you think I should do!

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