Chapter Seventeen

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[NOTE: this is now from Simba's P.O.V.because his *OTL just got stabbed. (*One True Love)]

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, catching Saria as she collapsed. I pulled out the sword, and pressed my hands to the wound.

The blood kept on gushing out. Luckily, it wasn't pulsing out, so there was still a slim chance that she might survive. I desperately hoped so. I can't survive without her.

Then, Mia-Lynn laughed. She laughed. She is even crueller than I imagined. I mean, Saria was literally dying here!

I quickly grabbed her half-eaten cinnamon scroll, broke a bit off, and placed it in her mouth, and forced her to swallow it.

The hole immediately started to close up. Although I knew she would have a bad scar, she would still live. I hoped so.

When it had finished healing, I grabbed her wrist, trying to feel for a pulse.

There was none.

Desperate, I laid my head on her chest, listening for a heartbeat.

Thankfully, there was one. Weak, but still there, battling through the still-healing hole in her lung.

She still wasn't breathing.

I picked her up, cradling her in my arms, and laid her on her bed, where she started gasping for air.

I slumped, relieved, and let out the breath I didn't remember holding.

"Whahand?" Saria croaked, opening her eyes and sitting up slowly. "Ow..." she mumbled, rubbing her chest.

"You're alright!!!" I cheered. I refrained from hugging her, as there was an audience.

Then, she hugged me anyway.

"Seriously you two? I would've thought you'd kiss her!" Mia exclaimed. She clicked her fingers, and the intruders surrounded us once more.

"You still haven't answered my question!!! What. Happened?" Saria asked.

"You almost died. If it weren't for him you would've. Also, why did he put a piece of pastry in your mouth?!?" Mia answered grumpily.

"Not saying. Thanks, though." Saria replied, turning to me and hugging me yet again. Quite the hugger, this one!

Anyway, when the intruders once again surrounded us, I dropped a smokehazer, and trew Saria into the pool, then flew after her.

When I reached her, she was already opening up the grate at the bottom of the pool, built specially for the purpose of escaping situations like these.

I took a deep breath and dove into the tunnel, picking up an enchanted sword and a shell with the power to store oxygen on my way.

When I reached Saria, she had her flippers, webs, and gills out, and her horns were glowing a greenish-blue sort of colour. When she saw me, she beckoned, and dove deeper into the tunnel. I followed the light of her horns, through each twist and turn. I just hope Saria reclosed the wall.

YESSS!!!!!!!!!! Two chapters in one day!

I know I say that a lot, but major MEH. It's still an accomplishment. Right?

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, the next one should be out in the next few days, a week at the most.

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