Chapter Twenty-Three

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One year later

[NOTE: This is now from Saria's P.O.V.]

As I walked up the aisle, I heard a few sobs coming from the front row.

I turned, and saw Mia crying on Malachi's shoulder.

I smiled.

Here was proof that, even on the darkest days, Hope will shine through. Always.

When I reached the altar, I saw Simba smiling happily.

I took his hand and we recited our vows.

"It is by the power entrusted in me that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" The priest stated.

Simba lifted the veil covering my face, and we leaned in.

Suddenly, the wall furthest from us imploded, sending chunks of stone flying everywhere.

Quickly, I strung my bow, and nocked an arrow.

Simba looked incredulous.

"You brought weapons to our wedding?????"

"Yup! Don't tell me you didn't!?!" I yelled back, firing arrows at the rather familiar demon that was trying to get into the chapel, but 'accidentally' destroying it even more.

"Oh dear. I seem to be crushing the party!" Jenin growled, clawing at me and Simba, who sliced that hand off from just below the elbow.

She growled again, and swiped at us with the other hand, which ended up the same way as the first.

Then, she exhaled a fireball, which I put out with a stream of water, leaving a piece of smouldering coal soaring through the air towards Jenin's face.

It landed in her eye, making her hiss with pain, then shake it out. It was too late for the eye, but she could still see with the other.

I shot an arrow into it, skewering her brain, and effectively killing her.

I then clicked my fingers and made her body go up in flames, putting them out only when all that was left of Jenin was a pile of ashes that I quickly scattered to the winds, thus making it harder for her to reform.

When that was finished, Simba and I kissed, officializing our marriage.

Hi!!! Book one is almost done!!! This may sound weird, but if I finish this book, then it'll be the very first story I've ever completed. The next chapter (the epilogue) should either be out later today or in the next few days. Until then, please don't get grossed out by all the goryness. I can't help it, I just like it!

See ya!

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