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One and a bit years later

The wind rustled the leaves on the trees, as the last rays of sunlight kept it's grip on the world, streaking pinks and purples across the sky.

I wanted to watch it forever, but couldn't.

I leaned my head on Simba's shoulder, and he gently stroked my hair.

"I can't believe that it's finally over." he stated, looking up at the clouds in wonder.

"Me too. It feels like only yesterday we killed Jenin, when in reality it's been two years!" I laughed, watching our one-year-old daughter, Quilla Lynn Tilaman, play in the snow.

"Mummy, when can I learn to fly?" Quilla asked, making a snowman, then knocking off it's head by accident.

"Soon, I promise. Until then, I have something for you." I replied, beckoning her over.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

I handed her a long, thin package, which she eagerly tore into.

When the paper had been sufficiently demolished, she drew out a bow, small enough for her tiny hands to wield easily, and a full quiver of arrows, all fletched with dark purple and blue feathers.

"I thought, why not let her train?" I said in return to Simba's incredulous look.

"Seven years early?!?!?!?" he asked, ruffling Quilla's hair affectionately.

I can't believe I finally finished this book!!! I guess I've only been writing this for three months, which is nothing compared to the time most stories here have taken, but I'm proud of it.

There is almost definitely going to be  a sequel, that is going to be from Quilla's P.O.V., called Hope Rising. It'll be out in either a few days or a week.

Until then, 

See ya!!!


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