Chapter Sixteen

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I must have blacked out, because I woke up in my bed without having any memory of getting there. Also, I was still fully clothed and armed. Simba was leaning against the door, as if guarding it. When he saw that I was awake, he walked over to me, and picked up the plate of food that was sitting next to the sword on the lowest bookshelf. I have no idea how he got it in the room, but I was grateful for it.

Simba helped me to sit up, and I nodded my head in thanks. I tried to talk, but the eel had broken several ribs, and I think it had squashed my voicebox, so I couldn't speak. Every time I moved, I felt as if a fire pixie and an ice pixie were warring inside my chest.

"Hey, you okay?" Simba asked me concernedly.

"No. I feel like a giant is sitting on my chest" I signed. He looked surprised that I wasn't speaking, but accepted it.

"Have you taken the healer yet?" he questioned, pointing to a vial on the tray, which I picked up, and slowly drank it.





The eel must have been cursed, most likely by Aralissa. Curses were, after all, her specialty

I waited a few more minutes before signing, "I'm still in pain. The potion didn't work."

Simba groaned.

"That eel was cursed, wasn't it?"

I nodded, and that tiny movement caused me more pain than I have ever felt before in my entire life. And I've lived for at least seven hundred and fifty-nine thousand, eight hundred and sixty-three years, been in over one million battles, been injured by over one billion people, and have killed over twelve billion people.

Yet a simple case of broken ribs has the power to incapacitate me?



Disgrace to the Kinas name




The negative thoughts overpowered me, and I closed my eyes, beating them back with my most treasured phrases and memories.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

I saw me and Simba laughing together, fighting the Were-dragons together, him finding me after I was thrown off a cliff in Miras Alase by the twins, Kili and Klim.

I then realised that all of my happy memories had Simba in them. I didn't mind, as those memories are the only things keeping the urge to throw myself off a cliff. Again.

I opened my eyes, and bit into a cinnamon scroll, savouring the spicy sweetness. I don't know how he knows my favourite food, but I don't really mind.

"You okay now?" Simba asked me, sitting next to me on the bed. I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder, ignoring the stab of pain, and took another bite out of the cinnamon scroll. He grabbed a parcel that was on the top of the lowest bookshelf, and handed it to me.

"I've been meaning to give this to you. I wanted to yesterday, but Jenin... complicated things. Anyway, open it!" Simba exclaimed.

I tore at the paper, trying to get to whatever was inside it. Finally, I gave up, and grabbed a dagger, and used it to slit open the wrappings.

When I (finally!!!) opened the parcel, I saw a silver bracelet, with three charms on it; a heart with two sets of initials, SLK and SDJ, a wing, and a leaf.

I met Simba's eyes, and he smiled.

"It was your birthday yesterday, wasn't it?"

"Yes! You're the only one who remembered!"I replied happily.

"Do you like it? I made each of the charms myself!"

"YES!!!!!" I shouted, and tackled him with a hug.

Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. I think the cinnamon scroll did it. Mainly because cinnamon works the same way as an enhanced healing elixir for me.

"So... I assume you're feeling better?" Simba asked me, laughing and hugging me back.

"Yup! Cinnamon." I replied.

"Oh right! Cinnamon????" he said, confused.

"Cinnamon heals me. Even though I'm a sea monster." I explained.

"Right. Good."

"Planning time!" I exclaimed, getting up, clasping the bracelet around my wrist, and grabbing a pile of blank paper and a few pens.

I spread the paper out, and handed a pen to Simba.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

I quickly waved my hand, creating a peephole in the door. When I saw that nobody was there, I opened the door to see if there was anyone there.

As soon as I did so, a bunch of people came rushing into my bedroom. They surrounded me and Simba, and pointed their weapons at us. We immediately drew our own weapons and started to fight the intruders.

"So this is where the famous Saria Luna Kinas lives. Smaller than I expected." A new voice mused.

I turned, and, as I did so, I tripped over the pile of paper and ended up falling onto a sword. I looked down, and saw the hilt of a sword sticking out of my chest, dripping with blood.

CLIFFHANGER!!! I'm evil, I know. I mean, I literally just semi-killed off the current main character!!! Anyway, I hope you liked the longer chapter!



The next chapter should be out in the next week or so.

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