Chapter 23

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Aryanna watched Sheridan move deftly around James, securing him to the tree. When he was done she moved over to where Rayne had started a fire, bringing Kalya along with her. 

“Kalya, stay by the fire, sweet, alright?” she asked looking at Kalya intently. 

Kalya nodded solemnly. 

“Rayne, I need to speak with you,” Aryanna said. 

Rayne looked up then stood, brushing off her hands. “What is it?” she asked. 

Aryanna drew her away a few steps. 

“What is going on Aryanna?” Rayne asked.

“James is going to go through a detox, Sheridan and I don’t think that it would be a good thing for her to be around when he does,” Aryanna said.

Rayne waited. “And?” she asked when Aryanna didn’t finish her sentence. 

“Sheridan thought it would be a good idea for you to take Kalya a ways away from here, I’m not sure if I agree yet, just because of the riskiness of it. What do you think?” Aryanna asked. 

Rayne didn’t answer for a moment, she looked past Aryanna to where Kalya sat cross legged staring into the fire, occasionally glancing at James and Sheridan. 

“As much as I don’t want to leave the three of you, I agree, I have heard that a person going through serious withdrawals do and say terrible things. Kalya should not hear him ranting, who knows what this drugged James will say. She is not old enough to know that it is the drug speaking, not him,” Rayne said after a long pause. “I think I can look after her well enough, you don’t have to worry about the risk,” Rayne said. 

Aryanna clasped Rayne’s forearm. “Thank you,” she said meaningfully. 

“When should she and I move forward?” Rayne asked. 

“I’m thinking now, James was stirring and I don’t know how long he has been with out what ever it is that Adonis is drugging them all with,” Aryanna said. 

Rayne nodded and move past her to collect her belongings. 

“Kalya, you and I are going to go ahead, just you and me going to have a good time ahead,”  Rayne said. 

“I don’t want to leave James,” Kalya protested softly.

“I’m sorry, but it’s for the best, James should be better when we come back,” Rayne said patting Kalya on the back gently. “Come on, grab your things,” she said. 

Kalya gathered up her blanket and looked over at Aryanna. “Am I in trouble? Is that why I am being sent away?” Kalya asked sadly. 

Aryanna moved over to her and knelt, hugging her. “No, not at all! You didn’t do anything,” she said. She held Kalya’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “It’s because James is not himself. I don’t want you hearing what the drug inside him will make him say when he wants it,” Aryanna explained. 

“Is it going to hurt him?” Kalya asked. 

Aryanna shrugged. “I honestly don’t know, I think it will.”

Kalya’s chin quivered but she took a deep breath. “He will get through it, he is strong,” she said firmly. 

Aryanna smiled and nodded. 

Rayne took a burning branch out of the fire to start their own and she and Kalya set off into the darkening night. Aryanna watched their bobbing torch for a little ways before turning to Sheridan and James. James was stirring more and moaning slightly. 

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