Chapter 27

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The next morning Sheridan woke Aryanna with a shake to the shoulder. She woke with a start, clasping his arm. He unpeeled her hand from his arm. 

“Relax, it’s just me,” he said. 

“Sorry, how is James?” she asked as she sat up, rubbing her face. It was still first light, the Sun hadn’t started rising yet, Aryanna could see it on the horizon line, barely showing. 

Sheridan shrugged. “Still asleep,” he said. 

Aryanna glanced at James with a frown. He no longer looked pale and sweaty, but he still trembled occasionally even in his sleep. 

“We should wake him,” she said. 

Sheridan nodded. “I figured extra sleep would help him, it’s time he isn’t conscious to feel the effects of the withdrawal.” 

“True. That was thoughtful of you,” Aryanna said distractedly. 

Sheridan just smiled a half smile and rose, giving her some space. 

Aryanna stretched and yawned, cracking her joints as she did so. 

Sheridan took some bread wrapped in a cloth out of his pack and ripped it into three pieces, he tossed one to Aryanna who caught it deftly. He took his piece and set  the third aside, on the ground still wrapped in the cloth. Aryanna shivered and wrapped her cloak around her shoulders as she ate the bread. When she was done she brushed off her hands and stood. She stepped over to James and crouched next to him. She put a hand on his shoulder gently and shook him. He didn’t start awake, his eyes just fluttered. She shook his shoulder again and his eyes actually opened. He looked around blearily before his eyes focused on her.  He frowned and moved his head up. 

“Aryanna?” he asked. 

She stared at him for a moment, wondering why he was questioning. “Yes.” 

He sat up and she backed away a step. 

“Hows the headache?” she asked. 

“A little better,” he said, still frowning and staring at her. He glanced at Sheridan and a confused look crossed his face. He looked back to Aryanna. “I know you, but who is he? I know his name is Sheridan and that he has been with this group, but I don’t know him,” he said, confusion plain in his voice. 

A slow smile started at the corners of Aryanna’s mouth, but she swallowed it. 

“James wouldn’t, Sheridan is from the Woodlands, you two never met,” she said. 

“You mean I wouldn’t,” James said.

This time Aryanna allowed the smile to break across her lips. 

“Hold on,” Sheridan said, coming over, a fierce look on his face. “How do we know you aren’t trying another ploy to get us to trust you so you can knife us?” he demanded, pulling James to his feet by his shirt. 

James looked up at him, his mouth open a bit in surprise. “Sheridan- I,” James stopped and dropped his head. “I don’t know what you mean,” he finished. 

Sheridan narrowed his eyes. 

James was caught off balance as Sheridan shoved him, James went sprawling backwards onto the ground, he groaned and started to get up slowly. 

“Sheridan!” Aryanna said angrily, rising and glaring at him. 

Sheridan held out a hand, one finger up, telling her to wait. Sheridan stalked over to where James was on his hands and knees, still getting up slowly. With his boot Sheridan flipped James over onto his back. James landed with a thud, his eyes wide with fear, his hands were up near his face, the chain loops resting on his chest,  as Sheridan straddled his torso and grabbed his shirt front, pulling James up til their faces were close. James didn’t try to resist. Sheridan glared into James’ face. “How do I know you aren’t trying a different way to get these,” Sheridan let go of James’ shirt with one hand and rattled James’ manacles. “Off of you? huh?” He asked, shaking James slightly. 

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