Chapter 21

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They reached the end of the pass, overlooking a steep hill leading down into a valley. They had encountered no hidden traps, Adonis most likely felt secure in his fortress set in the mountains. 

The three of them ducked down and crawled to the edge of the large hill, looking down. Aryanna drew a breath in sharply. In the valley there were multiple make shift housing. Enough for a large army. 

“I think we may have under estimated how many men Adonis had,” Aryanna whispered. 

“I think you are right,” Sheridan said. 

Finley adjusted and pointed to a large castle built a ways away. “I would guess that is where Adonis is,” he said. 

They other two looked to where he was pointing and nodded. 

“I would guess that is right. We need to figure out how we are getting in,” Sheridan said. 

“Do you think Aryanna going down there and knocking on the door would work?” Finley asked, only half joking. 

Aryanna looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “I don’t think I would remain alive for more than a few minutes,” she said. 

“And you all have to be around close enough to keep me from getting killed and to get James out of there,” she continued. 

Finley nodded. “I know, I was joshing,” he said and looked away. 

Aryanna shook her head. 

“Although, it may work, at least for getting Aryanna in there, she has to be found, but it won’t get Finley and I in, they won’t be that oblivious,” Sheridan said. 

Aryanna thought for a moment. “If we observe the optian addicted soldiers movements, do you and Finley think that you could act like them? It wouldn’t be easy,” she said. 

Sheridan thought. “We would need uniforms,” he said. 

Aryanna nodded. “Ambush two of the soldiers take their uniforms and you two change,” she said. 

“Exactly, now to find only a few of them alone,” Sheridan said softly, looking around. There were several large groups walking, or training. They waited, weapons ready, waiting for a few unsuspecting soldiers of Adonis to come close to them. They didn’t have to wait long. Three soldiers came towards them, heading for the pass, Aryanna suspected that they were upping the guards at the pass because the one didn’t report back. The three of them crept back and followed behind them for a while until they figured they were mostly out of ear shot. Each of them took a soldier and attacked. The fight lasted longer than Aryanna had anticipated but they won in the end. 

Sheridan and Finley changed into the uniforms. The three of them headed back towards the top of the hill. They moved around til they were still at the top of the hill, but they circled around so they were closer to the castle. 

“Are you sure about this, Aryanna?” Sheridan asked 

Aryanna nodded. She took off two of her three daggers and handed them to Sheridan. “Do you mind holding onto these? If they search me and take the dagger away I don’t want them having all three,” she said. He nodded and attached the sheaths to his belt. 

Aryanna took a deep breath, and started making her way carefully down the slope. 

“Be careful,” Sheridan whispered after her. She turned slightly and gave them a small wave. 

Sheridan turned to Finley, who was watching the surroundings, taking in how the blank faced soldiers moved and reacted to one another. 

“Do you think you can copy them well enough?” Finley asked, looking at Sheridan. 

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