Chapter 10

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Aryanna stopped a little ways away from the gate. She frowned and looked around, trying to think of how to get in. 

“Whats wrong? Why aren’t we going in yet?” Kalya asked. 

“Plains people don’t,” Aryanna hesitated. “They don’t like our sort in there,” she said. 

“Then why are we going? Why don’t we just go to the market that our neighbors have?” she asked. 

“It’s complicated, sweet, we need to go here though,” Aryanna said.  Kalya didn’t ask any more questions, just plopped down on the grass, waiting for Aryanna to figure out what they were going to do. Aryanna was distracted by a loud group of people heading towards the gate. Aryanna looked away, then right back, a slow smile moving across her face. 

She bent down and took Kalya’s hand. “Come on! I have an idea!” she said. They hurried to the back of the group steadily moving towards the middle of the group as they all headed to the gate. The guards waved them through lazily. Aryanna and Kalya split away from the group once they were sufficiently away from the guards at the gate. They headed straight for the market. 

“Kalya, stay close, don’t leave me alright?” Aryanna said loudly to be heard over the noise of the hawkers and the sellers, the bargaining and fighting. Kalya looked around, her eyes wide as she took in the noise and people bustling about. Aryanna found the meat trader and opened her sack. She took out her meat that was wrapped in leaves. The man looked at her then at the meat. 

“What is this?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

“Darrat,” she said. He looked closely at her, then realized where she was from. He sighed but nodded

“I’ll give you ten for them,” he said. Aryanna shook her head. 

“No, I won’t take less than twenty-five,” she replied. He made a face.

“Preposterous, this is not worth more than,” he paused. “Twelve.” 

“No, twenty-three,” she said. He narrowed his eyes at her. 

“A couple of these were old, the meat is stringy, I can tell, but the rest seem to be good. So fifteen,” he said. 

Aryanna thought a moment. “Nineteen, and that is as low as I will go,” she said firmly. The trader thought a moment then stuck his hand out. 

“Done,” he said. Aryanna shook his hand and wrapped up the meat again while he got her the agreed money. He handed the coins to her and took the meat off of his counter. Each coin was worth two cents.

“Have a nice day,” she said taking Kalya’s hand. The trader didn’t reply, he just waved her off. 

“Was that a good price to get?” Kalya asked. Aryanna nodded.

“Truthfully I expected less, I’m glad I got this much,” she said. 

Kalya smiled. “Oh good!” she said brightly. Kalya stayed mostly quiet, taking in the sounds all around. Aryanna led the way to the trader with the seeds. She and Kalya looked over the options and picked out some of the seedlings and starters. Aryanna handed over the amount due for the seedlings and put them in the sack. As they walked away Aryanna checked how much they had left, fourteen coins. She thought a moment, then smiled. 

“Come on,” she said loudly leading Kalya quickly through the market. 

“Where are we going Arya?” Kalya asked. 

“Just wait, you’ll see!” She replied. They hurried along. 

Aryanna stopped them in front of the weapons trader. He had his wares laid out on the table. Aryanna crouched down in front of Kalya. 

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