Seige? Again?

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I'm blushing! Again.

I can't help but think of what happened last night and this morning every 2 seconds. Lan Zhan you are insatiable. You beast. You thoroughly ravaged this damsel so much so that I have difficulty in walking.

"Oh Lan Zhan, you know you should come to Yunmeng, there is so much to do , so much to eat."


" Its where I grew up, there is so much that I want to show you, you know the tree that I climbed up on scared by Jiang Cheng's dogs, the dock where I would visit so frequently that all vendors were practically my family too, the ancestral hall where I was always punished to sit and reflect on my mistakes, my room that had a particular drawing of a cute little boy who was the first one to show me kindness during my years on the street, the kitchen where shijie used to cook the best soup, the hallways where we used run and cause mischief, the grounds where we practiced."

"Mn. Will visit with Wei Ying" even though he looked jealous of the mention of a cute boy, he saw that I needed him. He looked like he won't ever let the boy make his move on me though. Oh wow! I feel like I have gotten better at reading him.

" Oh Lan Zhan how I wish things could have been better and how I could visit all those places"

Lan Zhan immediately stopped and kissed me. And was rewarded instantly with the most adorable blush.

"Aiyaa Lan Zhan, now you can stump even me. You make me speechless. I am such a putty in your hands lan er gege"

----At Burial Mounds after fighting corpses on the way-----

I looked at my once home. Here is where we stayed as a family. Bonded over farming, wine, and any and every chore. We faced so much together but now they are all gone.The lotus I planted are gone, the wine by Uncle four is gone, the radishes Qing-jie wanted are gone, my little radish is gone, the loving warmth of my family is gone.

Nothing remained.

Just a ghost in someone's body and a living dead.

I looked at A-Ning, who was also reminiscing our past. "There is nothing here. Lets go"

"I know. I just wanted to take a look. Maybe...."

"I understand. Come here" I hugged him close. "Didi, we just have each other now"

He hugged me back.  I could feel his pain. Finally, we calmed down.

Just as I returned to Lan Zhan, he hugged me tight, not letting me go. Only after making sure we had hugged for longer than me and A-ning did he let me go.

My Sweet Possessive Lover ❤️

He then gave me Suibian(if you have forgotten, its my sword)which till now he was carrying with him.

"For protection."

"Aiyoo Lan Zhan. This body is not that used to sword cultivation and is quite weak. You have protect this poor soul" I take the sword just so he is not worried much.

We then moved to look into the Demon Slaughtering cave (Awesome name right? Given by yours truly. Stumps the serious ones everytime 😉)

Before we even entered it, we started hearing voices. Looks like the juniors are here. And fighting. And of course I am the topic as always. I wish this could just end. I want to be able to live with A-Zhan, and even Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling, but maybe I don't deserve it.

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