21. Flickering Candle

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As we were waiting on the healer we went for a picnic but on the way back got drenched in the rain. Since then my health was not so good. A-Yang tried to get hold of the healer but she refused. One day, when the rain relented we went on a stroll and interacted with the villagers. On the way back I collapsed from exhaustion, dehydration and slight pneumonia. I woke up at the Healer's. A-Yang had managed to convince her with the help of a strange man. When I saw them they looked familiar and after hearing her voice I removed her veil and was shocked to see her.


I exclaimed, "Its YOU?! How come?"

She just turned to her companion , "I told you this won't work."

Her companion replied, "But you only wanted to hide, so I gave an appropriate solution. Not my fault." He sounded familiar.

She argued, "We should have thought of a better alternative"

"Or maybe tried this on someone else to see if it works." He put forth his point.

She made an irritated noise, "Stubborn as always. This chaos. We should have had a plan B. Why did he just remove my veil and not be suspicious of you."

He held his hands up ,"That is not my fault either"

She sighed "Yes, I know. This idiot is too sus and smart for his own good"

This is getting more disbelieving and frustrating by the second. I need answers. "Jie! what is going on? How are you here? Why did you not want to see me? What happened?"

She sighed again, this time more deeply, "That is too big of a story A-Ying"

I huff knowing the age-old excuse if there was ever one, "I know that is just an excuse to put it off, maybe forever. You call me A-Ying but not consider me family enough to have the right to know what happened."

She said sincerely, with hurt in her eyes that I could even consider that, "A-Ying. You are my family, never think that you are not."

I feel wetness on my cheeks and realize I am crying. " I missed you jiejie. I missed you so much..  I am so sorry I could not protect you."

"It wasn't your fault. It was my decision" Her eyes were getting wet too.

"Yeah, a stupid one. " I sniffled. "Can I get a hug jie?" I looked at her with longing wanting her motherly touch that I so dearly missed.

She smiled and moved closer and gave me a stiff hug, as if her muscles had forgotten this action. I stayed quiet letting her adjust to it at her own pace. I wonder what happened for it to lead to this. Once she relaxed, I quietly stroke her hair in soothing motions, being careful to not lean too close or apply too much pressure so as to spook her.

After sometime she said, "I may not be able to tell you everything now, but it does not mean that you are not my family. You are my little brother, just like A-Ning. I need time for that."

"Its okay Qing-jie, I understand. I am sorry I came on too strong"

"Its ok A-Ying, I am happy you do. And I can still tell you some things from your series of questions." I laughed a little , "I am here as I have been for many years now practicing medicine and staying away from the horror show. And I am surprised you did not recognize A-Ning!"

"A-Ning?" I say , shocked, " Wow, I felt you were familiar but but how?"

A-Ning responded, "How am I more human? Even I do not know the specifics of it. but this happened after I helped the juniors out of the Burial Mounds."

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