32. Bazaaaar

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Fengjiu and I chatted for quite a bit. Later we returned with Bai Qian to Qingqiu and met with a double surprise. A cute and a hot one!


The high god himself granted us the privilege of hearing his deep set enchanting voice, "Qianqian, you have returned"

All the thoughts and escape routes seized as we heard his voice. What escaped were just little curves of the lips, involuntarily.

Bai Qian nodded in greeting, "Lord Ye Hua. You are here"

With that we unfreezed and greeted the Crown prince and Bai Qian introduced us. We all moved inside the fox den for some tea and talks. After giving a brief recount of events of the previous day, we moved onto to other small talks. Fengjiu was feeling a bit lethargic so she retired to her quarters. But I was feeling quite the opposite so I stayed back talking and playing with little pup prince.

Pup price was a little Chattie McQueen, so he gave me some background. He lives with his dad in Celestial realm and has not met his mom yet. Though his father has a painting of his beautiful mommy with a white cloth covering her eyes, which he grew up looking at and wishing to meet his mom. They go to his mother's cottage on a mountain once a year in the mortal realm.

This time they went there early as they had to go to the Eastern Sea palace. There a beauty saved him when he got lost in the woods and using that she attached herself to the crown prince and the pup prince. Pup Prince hated this as he thought that that woman was trying to take place of his mother. But because she saved him he could not act rashly, though it didn't stop him from telling her off for trying to get close to his father. His father punished him for his bad manners but he could not help himself.

Later at the Eastern Sea palace, A-Li met Bai Qian, they had a pleasant interaction and she gave him a fan to blow away the sand to reach to the seashells. But the fan was too powerful and immediately the weeds covering the light stones were blown away and the place was surrounded with bright light. A-Li panicked so he turned to Bai Qian, and when he looked at the protective cloth covering her eyes, he immediately recognized her as his mother and ran to hug her.

Hmmm.... Seems like her eyes are sensitive and weak to bright light. This child must be borne by the crown prince's mortal lover that Fengjiu told me about. She has been dead for about 300 years now. Bai Qian must have some similarities to her, confusing the prince.

They attended the banquet there all three of them together, like a family. The beauty who had helped him was the princess of Eastern Sea, and requested for a private meeting. Crown Prince agreed as the King of the Eastern Sea had asked for it himself. A-Li was nervous about the princess stealing his dad away from his mum so he nagged Bai Qian to go after them until she agreed. And that is how Bai Qian ended up interfering in the private meeting and successfully saving her fiancee from being snatched.

I think there is more to the story from the parent's perspective also, but all in good time. Maybe will ask them when and if they are comfortable with it. Otherwise thankfully I do not need gossip to survive.

Pup Prince went bouncing back to his mother, " Mommy, A-Li is a little bit hungry"

Bai Qian turned to Mi Gu, "Did you save any food here?"

Mi Gu shook his head "No"

"Nevermind, lets take A-Li to the market to get some food." Bai Qian smiled and took A-Li's hand, "Come".

Mi Gu got a basket and the rest of us followed behind. On the way I had quite a cordial conversation with Lord YeHua, while A-Li was chatting up with his 'mommy'.

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