17. Journey to the Healer

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IN THE PIC: Love their back and forth and betting on who will win.


Missing my boys triggered my panic attack causing me to faint. Xue Yang found me in time and got me help and we found out that I was pregnant. We are to begin journey to find a healer that can help me take care of my baby only catch is that she hates men.


We started the journey to the renowned healer. We knew it will be a slow one, as we now have a baby to keep in mind while taking any decisions.

Everything now revolved around my new little miracle. Which route to take, How much food to take, How many stops we will take, who will carry the load, which kinds of food to eat, plan to find looser clothes, plan for baby's clothes and food.

Then comes the conversations and ideas we put forth on how to convince the healer.
Buy blushes and pretty dresses -  No,  the Healer may feel that we are blatantly trying to bribe and may not like it.
Offer some rare medical books - No, we don't have any.
Offer our services - Will they be required or welcome though?
Attack the village and come in as the saviors- No No definitely not.
Sing a song - Not sure if they will appreciate it or think us of needing a different kind of help.
Ask for audience or maybe ask someone else to take our inquiry to her - Will anyone do that though or will the rest of the people have problems with men too or maybe just out of respect to her won't help.
We are out of ideas, do you have any?

Even though A-Yang does not say it I know, with this news, its like it has given him a new hope too. A hope of a better future. A hope that he can maybe make a positive difference in a life. A hope that he can be better and be worthy of apologizing for his crimes.

Sometimes I do fear what if something goes wrong? This seems too perfect. Do I even deserve all this? Am I jinxing it? Am I tilting the balance of universe by having this amazing happiness in me? Then I think that maybe just so that my happiness won't be complete, I don't have Lan Zhan here with me to share this awesome news, be a part of this lovely journey.

Every time I start down the rabbit hole of depression, I have this amazing new younger brother there to help me through it. I think it is because of our similar experiences that he understands me so well without me saying anything or even doing anything sus. He has developed a kind of Wei-Ying-Meter I tell you, at this point he understands me more than me.

It was such an afternoon one day in our journey , when we were following the path through the forest trail. This was because forest could provide us much needed cover and shade so that the afternoon sun does not suck up all our energy. Best part about this trail was this was not much far from the nearby village so in any emergency, the help will always be close-by. 

We sat down under the shade of a bountiful tree for the afternoon. We had some food and laid down to rest when I started deep thinking, again.

"Ying-Ge", he started.

Knowing where this is going I wanted to stop it before another one-to-one counseling sessions. I know it does me good but it gets overwhelming soon. "I'm okay A-Yang, just tired."

He looked skeptical, "Are you sure its just that?"

"Yes yes I am sure"

Still suspicious he asked, "Really?"

I sighed, "Yes Really"

My never-getting-satisfied-until-he-gets-to-the-bottom brother again asked for confirmation,  "Really Really Really?"

"A-Yang!" This worrying idiot brother.

"Ying-ge, you need to talk. Its not good for you or the baby to keep things inside" he argued softly.

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