31. Another hottie

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We got to know Fengjiu's story. Emotions were all over the place but in the end we are family and knowing we have each other is enough to face anything ahead.


As Fengjiu wanted to stay with her aunt so everyone agreed to leave her in Bai Qian's care, with the promise on coming back to check on her periodically along with recuperation goodies.

After making sure that Fengjiu is in good health, they went back to take care of matters that they had left behind when they heard of Fengjiu's situation.

Now that the matter was settled and the worries were eased, I had time to take it all in and digest the happenings of past few hours. Cheng Yu stayed with us. We talked for quite a while about stuff that happened and even the mundane things. It helped get over the bit of awkwardness I felt. Talking with both of them was quite easy like we have known each other forever. Of course it helped that our personalities gelled quite well with each other. Having perfect amount of mischievousness along with sugar, spice, and everything nice. Later Cheng Yu bid adieu promising to visit back soon.

It then dawned on me that we had already been here for quite sometime and the others would be anxious over no news from us. As we had gone up the mountain, we had made plans to meet in a couple of hours to switch the duties and re-calibrate. We have definitely been up here way past the meetup time.

I turned to Bai Qian and requested her, "Goddess Qian, its been quite sometime since we came here and my family would be worried. Can you please help me get back to Mount Junji or nearby village Baihu Shitu?"

At that Fengjiu looked quite nervous.

This was quite suspicious, so I asked her, "What is it Qi-Fengjiu?"

She hesitated and refused to look into my eyes, "N-nothing."  Bai Qian looked quite amused at this, and held her fan to cover half her face, the end touching the tip of her nose.

I smell a rat here. Before I could say anything, she said, "And you do not need to change how you have been calling me till now. I am still your little Qiqi."

With a saccharine sweet smile and voice, "Then being your handsome and wise older brother, I have only one thing to say: Qiqiiiii......." I dragged out calling her name.

She tried to resist but finally could not ignore her dashing brother, " Fine fine Xian-ge. Actually time works differently in other realms. So a few hours here are a few days there. Forgive me. Pleaseee!...." She said with a pleading face. Her blink rate had also increased along with the curve of her lips.

I am magnanimous so I forgave her. Her adorable doe eyes and hearing her call me brother for the first time absolutely did not play a role in that.

I asked Bai Qian again. She replied, "Firstly, you can call me Gugu like Xiaojiu afterall she considers you her brother. And secondly, worry not, after hearing your story, I assumed something like this would happen so I had told Mi Gu(The Housekeeper who is a tree spirit 🌳) to go back and wait for someone to come and relay the message. He has also assuaged their concerns about your safety."

Zhe Yan also voiced his opinion, " And It is not recommended for you to travel in your condition. It could cause strain and affect your health."

I bowed to them in gratitude, "Thank you so much for your concerns and help. If you don't mind me asking, how long will it be till its safe to travel?"

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