33. Cooking is all about the Art

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We visited the market and Mi Gu tries his hand at cooking after getting pressured by Bai Qian. And suddenly we hear a *boom*


We all rush in the kitchen and see the smoke coming out of the pot and Mi Gu standing near it with a pitiful face. "Gugu, I told you I cannot cook." He extended his hand with a pout "Look I got hurt"

It brought a tear to my eyes.

After so many years.

Bearing a witness to something like this.

Thank you Mi Gu for not letting me be the only one.

"Looks like we'll just have to forget about this meal. We'll be fine even if we don't eat food " Bai Qian consoled.

Ye Hua was worried, "What about A-Li then?"

"Fengjiu is not well so its not good for her to cook first." Bai Qian thought for a while and finally came to a decision, "Mi Gu, put up a notice at the entrance of the fox den that we need a cook here right now."

"Alright. I'll go right away!" Mi Gu quickly agreed and left to carry it out.

"That's good that its settled now" Bai Qian looked satisfied with herself.

As Bai Qian was leaving to go back to the seating area, Ye Hua stopped her. "You can atleast make a fire and burn some firewood"

Ye Hua goes ahead and starts on prepping for cooking while Bai Qian is just rooted at her spot, stunned, looking at Ye Hua move so efficiently across the kitchen like he has been doing this for ages.

"You can cook?!" Bai Qian exclaimed.

A-Li answered for his father "Mommy, Father always cooked when we go visit your cottage"

Bai Qian went ahead and helped him with fire while he cooked.

I am impressed. The future ruler of the heavens can cook and be so domestic. He didn't look like this task was beneath him, infact he looked like he even enjoyed it a lot. But that could be because of his assistant.

To see them be so harmonious I recall the times I had meals with a certain someone. He was also so cute, giving excuse of passing by during a night hunt (which definitely did not mean visiting) when we were living at the Burial Mounds. Even when it was my turn treating him, he ordered all the dishes that I would like. Later during our time at Cloud Recess, however short, he got a jar of chilli sauce for me knowing the food there might not be palatable for me. There was this one time before we started on our journey, he had even personally cooked for me. Sure he did not tell me about that outright, but he was not as stealthy as he would like to think.

I truly miss those times sometimes. A luxury that I do not have anymore. But hey its life you do not have everything at all times. At least I can look at the memories not tainted and still feel happy about it.

I took A-Li back to the seating area. Fengjiu had woken up hearing the blast and came out of her room to sit with us. I told her what happened and she chuckled. She entertained A-Li while I rested till the meal was prepared.

Soon the meal was prepared. And it was so delicious. But I was very mindful and only had the dishes that were in my 'Allowed' list prepared by Jiejie. I am such a good brother. She is so lucky.

I complimented ,"Lord Ye Hua, the food is very delicious. Thank you"

Fengjiu shared the same sentiment, "Yes, it is really flavourful. Thank you"

"Its no trouble. Its good you liked." He then turned to Bai Qian, "Qianqian, do you like it?"

"Mn, it is good. I like it."

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