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A/n :

Although I don't know how to write intimate scenes I have given it a try.

Also these images are not mine, credits to the owner.


Tired and hungry from the journey, I spotted a hut with fruits outside. I dragged Lan Zhan towards it and convinced him to indulge. And being the absolute righteous darling that he is, he first took out some money to pay in return before even picking up to eat.

Just then a family of three were walking up the steps to the house in good spirits talking about mundane things. Looking at them made me a little envious of something I may never have or even deserve. And my first instinct was to drag Lan Zhan and hide, but I quickly came to my senses and we greeted them.

No I absolutely was not jealous that Lan Zhan knew the girl and by the looks of it pretty well, by Lan Zhan's standards at least. It took some probing to place her. I could practically feel his amusement looking at my predicament.

She was Mian Mian, the one I had saved in my previous life and because of which I had a permanent scar on my chest.

I got to know that she had defended me in the conference in front of different sect leaders. Seeing that they had their minds set on believing the worst and unwilling to see reason because of their prejudice. So she left the Jin sect and now lives peacefully with her husband and daughter who support her in night hunts.

Feeling indebted and overwhelmed with this support I hid it outwardly but wanted to express my gratitude atleast. So I offered her little one some money as blessing( yes of course Lan Zhan's money). And that brat thanked him only and not me, seeing as he was the one spending.

Hearing a noise, I told them to stay inside while Lan Zhan and I would check it out. It was none other than my didi, Wen Ning . Being through so much together we were more siblings than a master-servant.

I found out that it was him that had cleared the path for us in this journey and that's why we felt like this was a vacation. And can you believe it, Lan Zhan knew about this but didn't even give any indication of knowing or alerting me.

Annnddd Is that steam I see coming out of his ears? No it must be my imagination.

Some time later we find an inn to rest and replenish. I settle A-Ning in one room and take Lan Zhan in another with full intention of carrying out my plan.

Knowing that Lan Zhan is extremely mellow and accomodating in drunken state, I set my plan into action. I had accidentally discovered the gem that is drunken Wangji, when he had a drink with me couple of weeks ago. I wanted to try that again to get my answers without affecting our current dynamic. That time I just wanted to know how he recognized me and the trip was rather tainted with the appearance of the masked man but I plan to have no mishaps this time.

I asked the waiter to prepare the food and wine while we freshen up. Lan Zhan and I took turns taking bath before the food arrived. I came out with wet hair fixing my robe just as the waiter was coming to set up the table. Lan Zhan looked at me and then the waiter and I could swear the ice in his eyes just turned frostier. Even the waiter felt it. He set up the table quickly though he did knock over a few items in his haste, and left as he couldn't bear to be there for a second longer.

I hesitatingly called Lan Zhan over and started talking rubbish to reduce the tension hovering over us. I guess he was as flustered as me as he took my cup of wine as tea and drank the whole cup.
Oh no! There goes my plan to have no mishaps this time.
It wasn't supposed to happen this way. We should have created a pleasant atmosphere so that I could cajole him in his drunken state.
But I guess I'll have to work with what I have.

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