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And so the days went back to normal. I mean as normal as they were before my light visited me, probably for the last time. And with him gone, I don't have the energy or will to even care to what they do to me anymore.

With him not here, nothing else matters. Its all a mess in my head.

I want to go running back to him screaming , begging him to take me back, that I am sorry for everything, I'll be okay with anything that he has planned, I'll be okay with seclusion for rest of my existence. But then I also feel it won't be right for him, for our son, for his brother, he would forever be pulled in multiple directions rushing to fulfill his duties for everyone and be there, be the support needed, all that on top of feeling extremely guilty and maybe not able to face another day.

No, this was for the best. At least he won't live each day wallowing in guilt unable to function. Maybe he will even move on.

Soon it was the judgement day. Frankly speaking I never thought this day would come or I will be able to hold till they finally decide what they wanted to do with me.

It started out as any other day with a few extra punches, maybe they were sad to see me go. This farewell will be hard on them so they didn't want to leave anything in their hearts it seems.

Then came the final bucket of water with a touch of salt for my final march. Thankfully I was given new clothes , well new for me at least. They were 100 times better than what I had currently on with all the tattered pieces barely hanging on, just like me.

Amazingly they cared for the theme I usually go for, as the new clothes followed it. with the red inner robe and black pants and outer robe. I guess they were going all out with the representation as the justice will finally be done to everything that is me. And apparently this is the essence of me. Anyways I got dolled up and braced myself for the inevitable doom.

The walk to the hall was slow and arduous. Already 1001 scenarios had gone through my mind of how it will all go about, and none of it looked even remotely promising. I wish I didn't have to leave them behind.

Finally we reach my doomplace. It has a nice ring to it. I was unceremoniously dumped in front of the holy trinity. Grandmaster Lan, Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng. Don't get  me wrong, the others were also there, but it was clear who was going to make the decision. Which by the looks of it... already made.

Others present included Nie Sect Leader Nie Huaisang, Yao Sect Leader, Bailing Ouyang Sect leader, Moling Sect leader . The disciples they brought with them standing outside who will later bear witness to the punishment bestowed.

All their faces were similar except the one that mattered the most. It remained expression less, only give being the eyes, swirling with a multitude of emotions. I took one last look at them, knowing I won't be able to do that later with whatever punishment that they have decided for me.

The ones that escorted me, more like manhandled me, shoved me in front of the jury. I fell but quickly righted myself and sat on my knees ready for what was coming next, hoping it will end soon.

But was I that lucky? No.

Then started the 'We are awesome and righteous sects' monologue by Lan QiRen followed by 'you are crafty, heinous and evil' by Jin GuangYao followed by many such just ear-pleasing words by so many others present. The only ones silent were Lan Wangji, Jiang Wanyin and Nie Huaisang, although for different reasons.

Lan Wangji was expressionless, Jiang Wanyin was seething angry with his ever present sneer-frown and Nie HuaiSang just hid behind his fan showing the ever present confused, awkward and 'I don't know anything' face.

Eventually they announced the decided punishment for my crimes. I was to live with the knowledge that I destroyed so many lives. Doesn't sound that bad right? But that wasn't it. I will be banished from the entire cultivation world, never to regain any place here. Marked as the enemy, the evil, the outcast, the shunned, so that no one would try and extend any kind of help towards him. Quite the opposite actually.

Now you ask how will I be marked. Do you remember how I once saved MianMian? Well that time that Wen Chao's female dog just in spite wanted to ruin MianMian's face. Yes, the brand iron. That time I had no choice but to jump in between and accidentally get the mark on my chest. Now, that place is to convenient for me, and not so satisfying for the sects apparently. So the rule/tradition/decision is to mark somewhere more visible.

The four major sect leaders crowd me in the four directions to mark me. With a brand iron in hand, they would simultaneously mark me on the side of my neck that is visible to them.

The most excited, although subtly, was Jin Guangyao. And the most angered, filled with hatred was of course dear Grandmaster Lan. they quickly got into position with hot branding irons with their respective sect marking ready in their hands. They each took one side, left and right. While Jiang Wanyin was in front of me and Nie Huaisang behind me.

What shocked me more than the fact that there was no branding iron in Nie Huaisang's hand, was Jiang Wanyin's statement. He said, rather spat out the words, "While I agree with you Grandmaster Lan, on his crimes and punishment, I would not sully even my sect's brand iron by allowing that near him". And in a fit he threw away the iron, telling the disciples to take it away.

Then they looked at HuaiSang, his reply wasn't surprising or any different than what people had come to expect from him, "I don't know, I really don't know, I don't know anything about the brands and irons, and any details."

They just shook their heads and the remaining two completed the ceremony. Together. Maybe they did a countdown in the head that I wasn't privy to as I hardly had any time to  brace myself before a red hot pain focused on the sides of my neck. I could feel my skin burning, peeling away, and the pain travel throughout my body. It was really a miracle that I was still conscious throughout it all. But did they stop there? No!

After they removed the irons from my neck after the branding was done, they brought forward a special liquid and poured it all over my new red brand mark. It tripled the pain, and I could see black dots clouding my vision. Trying to clear my vision and manage the pain I started to regulate my breathing.

Lan Qiren oh-so-kindly informed, "This is so that our marks remain clear and stark without any infection to disturb the sign that has formed on your skin. It can never be remove and can never even fade."

Then it was Jin Guangyao's turn. Never one to stay back I tell you, maybe only when he stabbing there I guess, but otherwise he wants the center stage, "Wei Wuxian, you are to leave the cultivation world and live your life in penance of all the crimes that you have committed. Know that this is a kindness bestowed upon you by us. If you are ever to return to your craft ways, you will be executed immediately."

I internally scoffed.

Then they proceed to show even more kindness and throw a bundle of my clothes, and a few food items at my feet. I slowly got up, mindful of the pain but not wanting to show them any kind of weakness. I hesitated to pick up the clothes that were given in such a manner but I know I will need it, and also the food. Knowing fully how pathetic it would be to take the bits thrown at me like a...dog, but understanding that I would need it as who knows when will be the next chance to ever get any of those things, I swallow the humiliation and pick up the items, bow a farewell to them, take a last long look at lan zhan, who has his eyes closed. I finally leave the world I have known most of my life.


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