27. Where am I ?

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You read about us having good heart to heart with A-Sang and him suggesting to checkout the residence of this lady with godly artifact who disappeared and now that place is inhabited once a year by a man and his child. We start with the planning. Again.

Now the story continues -


The 3 days went by so fast, we were rushing to get all the things in order, make plans, prepare for the said plans, run through the schedule, assign tasks to each leading up to and for the day of the possible meet with the being. Here's to hoping they are someone really otherworldly and can help us, help A-Feng. We visited up the mountain to get a feel of the landscape there. We also scouted the whole village again to get an idea of the places that we would need to take care of in the plan.

 Since we know that two of the mysterious beings grace this place with their presence on the day, but we could not narrow down the area accurately. It was most probable that they will be at the dwelling up on the mountain, but we cannot dismiss the possibility of them being anywhere in the village. So we came up with positions of everyone depending on the probability percentage and who will be most helpful where. We also did consider which place will be most fitting for whom.

So here's the plan. I'll be the one who will wait at the abode on the mountain, as it was the most probable place, I will be the first point of contact. And to look at the alternative, if someone else is here and they refuse to come and meet me , then it would be a waste. Also, since it was a peaceful house, I could rest here and do the daily round of walking without hurting myself or the babies. I would need a protector as they say. So that is on hold position but A-Yang did want to be the one accompanying me.

A-Sang volunteered to scout the tea house and taverns. But he needed a partner, so being the sly fox in harmless cat skin that he is, he suggested A-Ning to be his partner. The bun was thus snatched.

Another team was needed to scout the woods, village in general along with the clearing near the village. It was obvious that A-jie would be the one here, as she knows the most about the woods since she comes here quite often for collecting herbs and fruits as needed. She also needed a partner to help scout the large area.

A-Yang wanted to come with me but A-Jie also needed someone to help keep a lookout. He argued that we need to also consider my safety. So me, from my new throne and title of fight/argument resolver of my family, step in to perform my duties. I recommended dear Qiqi to be my escort and bodyguard. Who would dare come near me with this cute ferocious being alongside me? Finally the teams were settled with A-jie and A-Yang , and me and Qiqi.

On the day of the big event, we packed up our pouches and geared up, and went to get settled in our respective positions except A-Yang. He would first deliver me and Qiqi to ours and then rush to report back to his mark.

After A-Yang left, me and Qiqi decided to do some exploring. The hut itself was not something very lavish but it looked cozy for a family to live in comfortably. It looks well cared for even though the residents do not live there for rest of the days of the year. This does strengthen our belief of them being real beings who are possibly and hopefully celestial. If not that they may have someone to take care of it. Even then it shows that this place is important to them. They would definitely come here.

After this snooping around, we were tired and decided to rest by the huge tree in front of the hut. That spot looks really inviting at this moment. This atmosphere is so pleasant. My babies are also so happy, it will do them good. Without me being consciously aware of it, this place soothed me so much that a small action of shutting my eyes, turned into a subliminal escort to the land of Morpheus.

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