Chapter 14 (ACTUALLY)

79 6 11

Word Count: 4873
Date: 3-15-17 ~ 6-7-17 (I procrastinated so hard)

This is the actual chapter 14. Sorry for the inconvenience.

So it's been two years, like, legitimately two years since I've updated this book.

In that time, a lot has happened. I joined drama, we won districts for the first time since 1981, and we also got second place in speech, on our first meet :D

Another thing, my mom got a new boyfriend, now fiance, aka, soon to be husband, and their wedding is literally 2 months from now.

I turned 16 (*cheers*), I got my license (*cheers again*) and I turn 17 in like, 4 months?

My writing skills have hopefully improved.... fingers crossed.

Oh! I almost forgot.


I have to make a movie trailer for it for speech class, should I post it when it's done?? :)

When I actually get it written, should I post it on here? If so, let me know, I'm going to plan on getting this published IRL, bc I think that'd be amazing. *Fingers crossed!*
Well, sorry for rambling, I'll get on with the chapter, not that I'm sure anybody is even still reading this, but yeah, it's about time I got this out xD

If I feel like it, I might possibly keep this book going, I just kinda fell out of the loop with Wattpad. So, without further Ado....

Chapter 14! (Fr real this time)

(Apologies in advance, in case this is weird. I'm in a lovey Dovey mood, but it's also late, and I have an early up, but here I am xD)

~Seto~ (apparently in 3rd person, because I've been writing my other book and it's in 3rd xD)

Waking up the next morning was like waking up from a dream. Well, at least to Seto it was.

Maybe more like a nightmare.

Was that even real?

Seto wasn't planning on getting out of bed, he probably wasn't going to even wake up, so why did he?

What woke him? He wasn't needing to use the restroom... He wasn't fully rested... He wasn't even hungry---scratch that.

He smelled it, the pancakes. The abnormal, yet totally familiar smell of pancakes, which hadn't been a smell in his house for a very long time.

He scrambled out of bed, stopping to look at Skylar's room across the hall.

It looked occupied.

It wasn't a dream.

Once again, Seto was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, this time his eyes kinda glazing over with pure relief and happiness.

She was back, she was seriously back.

"Seto? What's wrong?"

He glanced up as she looked over at him from where she stood at the counter, spatula in hand, her hair a mess, and in clothes that most definitely did not fit her anymore.

He didn't care though, as he had already crossed the room and had turned her to face him, her whole body being formed against his, his heart beating out of his chest.

"Don't ever leave me again. Promise me."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

He didn't have to look at her to know she was smiling, but even just the thought of her smiling had her in an even tighter embrace.

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