Chapter 6

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[A lot is going to happen this chapter!]

~Seto's POV~

"That training tired you out." I stated and sat down next to her. She leaned up against the hut wall, and closed her eyes. "What do you want to practice tomorrow? Plasma bolts? Fire? Water?" I looked back over at her, and saw her head start falling towards the side. I grabbed it, so it didn't fall against the wall, and leaned her head against my shoulder.

I sat there for a moment, before taking the phone she had kept here, out. I looked at it, trying to figure out how to turn it on. I eventually gave up and dropped it on the ground. "Stupid phone. Why won't you just turn on?" The phone flashed and then something popped up on the screen. I grabbed the phone and looked at it.

"Please say a command." I held the phone back from my head, and tapped the screen. The phone beeped again. "Please say a command." I dropped the phone again. Umm... Think of something.

"Uh. Play, flappy birds." The phone dinged and I picked it back up. I heard someone talking about this in town last week, when I went to get groceries. A game popped up, with a really weird looking bird. I poked the screen and the "bird" flew up, and then fell to the ground. "You idiot." I tapped it again, and once again it died. "What the heck?" I tapped it and hit it again. The bird stayed up. Oh.

I kept hitting it, when these pipes came out of nowhere. "How are you supposed to win, with those stupid things in the way?" I angrily hit the phones screen, making the bird go through the pipe. "Haha!" I stuck the tip of my tongue out, and was focusing really hard. I made it through another pipe, and then died.

I restarted it, and got to one before dying. I clenched my fist and restarted. I got to two. Three. Four. Fi... NO! I dropped the phone on the ground, and pushed it away with my foot. I glared at it, before picking it back up. "Um. Open Instagram." This is another thing I heard about. But this time, from Skylar.

"Would you like to use a previously used account?" I froze and stared at the phone. "Uh... What?" The phone dinged. "You, idiot." I stared at the phone strangely before asking it again. "Open Instagram." The phone, once again, dinged. "You moron." I glared at the phone and threw it across the room again. Skylar shifted on my shoulder. Oh, I almost forgot all about her.

I lifted her head off my shoulder, and picked her up. Outside it was getting dark, probably about 7. I pulled Skylar as close as I could, and teleported us to the edge of the forest. I stumbled back, and leaned against a tree for a moment, then continued walking towards my back door. I got to the back door, and froze. It was open.

My eyes widened and I quickly turned us invisible. For Skylar being the same age as me, she's pretty light. "Skylar. Skylar!" I started shaking her shoulder. She groaned and tried to turn over, but rolled off my arms. She was about to scream, but I put a spell so she couldn't speak. She looked at me, and I held a finger to my mouth. Skylar was the only one who could see me, and vise versa.

"Someone broke into the house, stay here, or follow quietly. Teleport to the hut at the first sign on movement. I don't want you getting hurt." I might be acting a little bit over protective, but I just want her safe. I undid the spell, and crept towards the door again, and felt Skylar hand grab mine. Thankfully it was dark, otherwise she would have seen me turn red.

"Sorry. Just makes me feel safer." I nodded and we both walked inside. I didn't hear anything, until a huge clatter come from downstairs. How? Nobody knows about my lair, except Skylar, Merlin and I. Oh. It's probably Merlin, but I'm still not taking any chances. I lit my hand ablaze, illuminating around us. I found my way to the stairs and looked down. I was going to take the time to climb down them, and make noise, so I jumped, pulling Skylar with me. I made a small cloud and we both landed on it.

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