Chapter 8

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[Sorry if the chapters are getting sucky]

~Skylar's POV~

"Wh-What?" I felt myself start tearing up. Seto started laughing and hugged me. "I'm kidding Skye!" I punched his arm, making him laugh harder. I stood up, and he frowned at me. "Did I make you that upset?" I nodded and wiped my eyes. He sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"I thought you were serious!" He started rubbing my back. "No. I'd never forget about you." I smiled a little, and felt my cheeks go red. Oh, thank gawd it was dark.

"Wait. Are you dating?" Seto shook his head, and I pulled back and looked at Becca. "No. Why would you think that?" She stared at me as if I was stupid. "Really? You're that ignorant?" I sighed and nodded, making everyone crack up.

"Ah. Seto. I see you're awake." Both of us jerked around, and saw Merlin. Seto took a step towards him, but Merlin flicked his wrist, and I felt myself falling. I looked up and saw the place where I was standing before, getting higher and higher. Suddenly the air got really thick and hard to breathe. I felt arms come around me, and instantly I could breathe again.

"What's happening?" I yelled out over all the noise. Seto shrugged and pulled me right next to him. I looked down, and saw a flat surface of blue. I started panicking and looked over at Seto. "You don't have magic do you?" His eyes widened and he looked at me.

"We never practiced levitating people!" He screamed out. I felt myself smirking, and I grabbed onto his hand. I held my other hand out, and tried to focus like I did in the woods. I saw the ground getting closer, and Seto's grip tightened on my hand, making me lose focus. I closed my eyes again, but by then it was too late.

My body connected to something hard, but it wasn't the ground. I felt my hand fall through a stringy base. A net. I quickly sat up and looked at Seto, and saw that he was as white as a sheet. I started laughing, bringing him back to his senses. I looked down over the netting, and saw that we were only about five feet from the ground. I waved to Seto before jumping down, and instead of hitting solid ground, I hit water.

"What the hell is this place?!" I yelled out, as Seto came down right next to me. He resurfaced and quickly grabbed onto me. "I. Can't swim." I sighed and helped him up. "My parents never taught me. They died before they could." I smiled sadly and pulled him over to the river bank. He flopped down on it, and tried to catch his breath.

"What's the meaning of all of this? How did we even get into this mess? I thought you teleported to the hut?" I nodded and sat down next to him. "I did. But as I was teleporting I started to freak out about you, and then somehow Merlin crossed my mind and I was teleported to him." Seto narrowed his eyes and stood up, pulling me up with him. He pointed to something down farther along the bank, and I saw a glowing orb.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." Seto chuckled quietly and pulled me over towards it slowly. I heard it before I saw it. "SETO GET DOWN!" I jumped towards him, knocking him away as the orb flew straight at him.

"H-How'd you know?" I looked around before getting up, and dusting myself off. "I heard it start humming louder, and then I don't know. I just kinda had this feeling." Seto smiled and hauled himself up. "Well that's some pretty damn good feeling." I nodded and looked around again.

"I have the vague sense that we're being watched." Seto started to look around also. "There!" He pointed to two glowing white dots. I squinted at them and almost started laughing. "This reminds me of a game my brother plays. Minecraft. And that's the bad guy, herobrine. Who always had white eyes." Seto looked over at me, saw that I was smiling, and he wasn't. "I wouldn't joke about that." I laughed uneasily.

"Just trying to ease the tension!" (Fred and George voice) Seto and I crept towards the figure, and it disappeared, making a strange sound. Seto got in front of me, yielding anything away. I looked down embarrassed that he was trying to protect me.

"Seto. Why do you care so much about protecting me, if you only met me four days ago?" Seto stopped in his tracks, and looked at me. "It's just that you're my apprentice, I know that somehow we are linked together, and..... And..." He stopped talking and looked down, his feet suddenly very interesting.

"Because why Seto?" I lifted his head up to face me. "Because..... I can't say it." I sighed and let his head fall back down. "Let's just keep moving. We have to find a way out of here." He nodded and started to drag his feet behind me. I sighed and stuffed my hands in my very damp pockets. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

"Merlin! What's the point of all this?" Seto called for the tenth time since we started walking again. I stopped and looked at him, making him step back. "Come on Seto, just give it up. We've been calling for ten minutes, and he hasn't responded yet. I doubt he's going t....""Going to what?" I quickly turned around and came face to face with Merlin.

"It takes a threat for you to answer?" Merlin chuckled and pulled a ring out of his pocket, Seto's ring to be exact. "How did you?" I looked down at Seto's hands, and saw that it was gone. "Been missing magic, have you? I was aiming for both of you's magic, but obviously I didn't succeed, since you're both still alive." I stepped back into Seto, and he quickly pulled me behind him.

"Ah, yes. Have the non-magic person, protect to most powerful human being here. That seems smart." Seto clenched his teeth, and hands, making me flinch. He instantly released his grasp on my arm, and took a step towards Merlin.

"Why are you doing this?" Merlin chuckled and made a chair appear. "To have a fun fight of course. Why else would I become evil and plan to take over the world?" I stepped around Seto and looked directly at Merlin. "If you are the bad guy, and wanted us to fight up against the threat, which is you, why didn't you just kill us off in our sleep?" Seto's expression turned to confusion.

"Well. Where's the fun in that?" Merlin laughed menacingly and stood up, towering over me. "Why were you acting like the good guy, if you're not?" Merlin groaned and sat back on his chair. "You ask too many questions deary!" He swung his hand towards me, and I thought he was going to smack me, but instead a binding came over my mouth, letting me unable to speak.

"Ah. That's better." I kneeled down onto the ground, pulling at the tape across my mouth, but it wasn't making a dent. Seto looked down at me, and then back at Merlin. "You know once we get out of here, we are going to find as many magic beings as possible, and get them on our side, right?" Merlin smirked and shook his head.

"No. I don't think that's going to happen." Seto narrowed his eyes and stepped back towards me. He pulled me up, and we stood side by side. "And who's says it won't backfire?" We both looked at him, and he made something appear in his hands.

"Because I said it won't." Merlin swung the item in his hand at us, before we could react. I saw the hilt of a sword, before it slashed across my arm, and Seto's, taking us down in one shot. Merlin came over to us, grinning.

"Nighty-night!" He cackled and kicked Seto in the head, sending the same back through me. My vision crossed, and I was out.


The next time I woke up, I was in my new room in Seto's house. I couldn't remember anything from yesterday, besides the lesson and going to the hut. Was that yesterday? Who knows?

I swung my legs out of bed, brushing the blanket up against my arm. I shrieked in pain and looked down at my arm. There was a thin line of blood going straight across it. Seto came in when he heard and looked at my arm. He came towards me and held up his arm also, to reveal the exact same cut.







~Skylar Out!~

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