Chapter 10

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~Seto's POV~

"Why? Did you do something to me?" I bit my lip, and slowly sat in the chair. "No? Why... Why would you say that?" Curse my stuttering. "Because you're stumbling on your words."

She sat down in front of me, and raised an eyebrow. "I didn't do anything to you Skylar, I promise you." Luckily she bought it, and I didn't have to tell her that I used a forgetting spell on her.

"Ok. Whatever. So what were you going to tell me about this place?" I forgot I'm going to have to explain everything again, since the second we stepped foot into that bathroom.


"So Seto. What do we do now? Like.... I feel like we should train, but... At the same time." Suddenly Skylar got all giggly, and started swaying on her feet. She was about to fall to the side, when I quickly jumped up and caught her.

As I was standing up, a wave of nausea washed over me, and I fell against her, taking us both to the floor. My mind, and the room, started spinning around me, and it made me sick.

"Woah. Me neither." The words left my mouth, with a giggle. Skylar and I were both laughing in a matter of minutes, but we weren't laughing at anything in particular. What is going on?

"I'm tired." Skylar groaned next to me, but she still giggled. I sat up, trying to stand, but I got that feeling where my entire body was numb, and I couldn't get up.

You know that feeling when your foot falls asleep, and you try to wake it up?Thats what was happening to me, except my entire body was feeling that. "Ow. My skin feels..... Prickly." Skylar rolled onto her back, and started rolling around on the carpet.

"We should go somewhere!" I laid on the floor also, and started giggling to myself. Something is seriously wrong. I can't control anything in my body anymore.

"HOW ABOUT THE FAIR!" We both cheered out, but my heart wasn't really into it. Suddenly I was yanked to my feet, able to control myself, just not my mind.

My mind, the part I could control, was telling me to go back home and train. But the other half, was pulling me towards the front door with Skylar.

After about a completely silent walk, that didn't contain any talking, just us giggling to ourselves, we had reached the fair. By then, we weren't laughing any more, and we just wanted to enjoy ourselves.

"I don't even remember there ever being a fair here." I turned to Skylar who was already off in the distance at a ticket booth. I ran up next to her, and was greeted by a cranky old lady.

"Hand." Her long, scraggly green chipped nails, dug partly into my arm as she attached the wrist band. Skylar was pulling me away to some ride, before I could even comprehend what was going on.

By the time we were at the ride, I was able to control myself again, and I started freaking out. "Why are we here? Somebody must have wanted us out of the house! What's going to happen?" Skylar put her hand to my mouth, and grinned.

"Who cares! We don't have to worry about anything here!" She was still swaying on her feet a bit, so I placed my hand on her arm to steady her. Suddenly a big crash came from behind me, and Skylar clicked her tongue.

"Or of course, that...." I turned around, and was knocked backwards onto the ground by a metal griffon. People around us shrieked, and I didn't know what they were seeing, probably a lion. I've had people say that before.

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