Chapter 7

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~Skylar's POV~

"SKYLAR GO!" My eyes widened and I quickly pulled my hand away. I thought about the hut, but halfway during teleportation, Seto crossed my mind. I started panicking and tried to think of the hut, but other images crossed my mind. I saw Merlin, and then I saw the ground. It was a soft moist dirt, and I was falling right towards it.

I thought about the levitation lesson with Seto, and quickly made myself float, two inches above ground. Thank goodness that was something we had already learned. I took the spell off and landed softly. I stood up, brushed myself off, and looked around. I spotted Merlin, and he was talking to three people, one with their... Hair on fire? I crept along the edges of the trees, and gasped when I saw one of the girls disappear. I looked closely at the other two.

A boy and a girl. The boy had slick back brown hair, and deep, chocolate brown eyes. His clothes were raged, and looked as if they had been out here for hours. Maybe days. Where are they getting the food? I brought my attention to the girl, and almost started crying. Becca, my best friend who disappeared five years ago, was alive, and standing right here.

Her clothes were in shreds, and her hair was everywhere. Her purple streaks were long gone, and her hair was ten times longer than it was when she left. Instead of it being to her shoulders, it was all the way to her butt. I felt instant relief course through me, and then I remembered Seto.

And almost, as if on cue, I felt something hit my gut. I fell over, and grasped my stomach, but nothing was there. My shoulder and my arm started throbbing also. I started to stand up, when I was flung over onto my back. I looked around and saw no one, but Becca, the boy, and Merlin.

They had heard the noise, and were looking around. I realized the invisibility spell was still on, but it soon started to disappear. I stared panicking and went behind a tree. I heard Seto's voice in my head, and it sounded like he was in pain. 'Merlin?' He asked. Merlin? He was right here? I felt my arm start hurting again, and I fell to the ground, in view of Becca and the other two.

"Skylar?!" She screamed and started running towards me, but she disappeared before she got to me. I felt something collide with my head, and I was out cold.

When I woke up again, I was in a very cold, very dark, cell. I stood up, and tried to practice making my hand ablaze, like Seto does. But with not having any practice, it wasn't working too well. I walked forward, bracing my hands out, and felt bars. Whispering sounded around me, making me turn around quickly, but nothing was there.

There was an outline of somebody, lying, in the corner. I crept towards it, and saw the familiar purple glow around the body. "SETO!" I screamed out and ran towards him, but ran into something invisible. I put my hands against it, and saw that it was glass. I knelt down and pressed my face to it.

"HELLO?" I jumped back and looked around. I saw something red and yellow, almost like flames, glowing in a far corner of the room. I walked towards it, and came face to face with someone. "Hello?" I asked back. I put my hand out, but the person freaked and slapped my hand away. I couldn't see her face, but she had blue eyes, which usually means curiosity. Her hair was flaming, literally.

"HUH! Charlee?" She gasped and put her hand out to me. "Skylar?" I nodded and laughed slightly. "Your alive!" We both yelled at once. More shuffling in the cage she was in, told me that there were more people. Two more faces showed up, and I almost started crying. "BECCA!" I reached my hands through the bars, and tried to give her a hug. Somebody else's face showed up, and she had red and brownish hair. She had bright grey eyes, which stood out the most.

"Well you know those two. I'm Claire. Do you have any idea why we're here?" I shook my head. "I was gonna ask the same thing." I heard a loud groan from behind me, and I saw Seto sit up. My eyes had adjusted to the dark enough that I could see.

"Seto!" I ran towards him again and leaned back up against the glass. By now almost everyone in the cage behind me, was up against the bars. There was about, 12 or 13 guys, and 4 girls. Seto stood up and looked around. He called my name, and I stood up. He turned around, and faced me. I pressed my hands up against the glass and started banging on it, Seto copying me. The glass wouldn't even crack.

We can hear each other, but we can't reach each other. "Seto! What happened?" He shrugged. "I don't know. But the girl attacked me." I covered my mouth and leaned up against the glass. "Hey. If you two are sorcerers, why don't you just teleport out?" I looked up and I felt stupid.

"Seto. Why didn't you teleport out?" He looked down, ashamed. "I can't. My powers gone. I drained it all, and she took the rest." I covered my mouth again, and cursed. "Wait. If I can still teleport, why can't I try to teleport you out?" Seto looked up, and smiled. He nodded to me, and I stepped away from the glass. Everyone stepped away from the bars, but still watched.

'I wish for Seto to be here with me.' I clenched my fists, and focused all my energy on it. Nothing happened, but almost everyone gasped. I looked up and saw the same chick who was in our lair, holding her arm around Seto's neck, blocking off his air. My body filled with rage and I ran at the glass.

The girl laughed and tightened her grip. Seto was clawing at her arms, but I don't think she even noticed. I clenched my fists at my sides, and tried to focus all my anger into them. I felt my hands get warm, and my body started glowing. The girls eyes flashed fear, and her grip loosened, letting Seto get a breath, before she tightened it again.

My body started heating up, and everyone backed up even farther. Seto even tried to, but couldn't with her grip. "Don't. You. Dare. Hurt. Him." I screamed through clenched teeth. The orb around me grew wider, and more powerful. I screamed and the light erupted, exploding the glass. The girl, what was her name again... Oh Lizzie, screamed and released her grip on Seto. He fell to the floor limp. I covered my mouth, and ran towards him. I grabbed onto him and pulled him over next to the bars.

I was starting to get light-headed also, and it was starting to get hard to breathe. I wrapped my hands around my throat, and my hand lit up, allowing me to breathe again. Lizzie stumbled back, and started rubbing her eyes. She looked around at all the glass. Instead of her eyes being hazel, they were now bright blue. She saw us, and ran over. I held up my hand, and fire ignited on my hand. Psh, who needs training?

"Oh my gawd! Did I kill him? No! No! I'll never forgive myself." She sat down next to me as we both cried. Seto was unmoving, no pulse. The girl with the fire hair, came up behind us in the bars, and reached her hand out. I was too upset to even care. I just wanted him to come back alive, he needs to be here with me. Who else is going to train me? Understand me?.... Care about me?

"Skylar!" The girl named Claire flicked my shoulder, and I turned to see Seto, glowing purple, and the girls fire colored hair, draining away. "Charlee?" She shushed Becca, and pulled her hand back. Seto shot up with a start and looked around. He looked directly at me, and said three words I never expected to hear.

"Who Are You?"







~Skylar Out!~

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