Chapter 2

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Word Count: 1256
Date: (Published) 4/13/14 (Edited) 3/16/17 -3/20/17

~Mystery Guys POV~

I felt such a strong pull, so near, almost as if I could touch it...

I was on my normal hike through the woods, but this time I took a different path.

Everything was new to me, obviously, and it was kinda difficult for me to remember which way I came.

Ahead, I saw a small canopy of leaves hanging down, almost like a curtain, and when I walked past it and I froze.

It reeked of magic.

I realized a twig must have snapped under my feet, because pretty soon a bunny came running out. Maybe that's what the curtain was for. Animals.

That still doesn't explain the strong magic sense.

I took my hat off and held it in my hand for a second, before dropping it, knowing whoever was in there, was bound to pick the hat up. Even if they were non magic.

I needed to get far enough away, just to see if someone really was in there. I made it a couple feet, then broke into a run, climbing up a tree and waiting to see.

A few minutes​ passed, and I started to doubt that somebody was in there, and it was just my panicking self overacting, but someone stuck their head out.

It was a girl.

She had long brown hair, bright green eyes; with little speckles of grey, and her eyes were outlined with a clear ring. Contacts.

From this high up in a tree, my vision was still working at its expert status.

I watched as the girl grabbed my hat and ducked back inside the little hut, the sense of magic wavered around the area.

It was her. She was the one.

I quietly climbed down the tree, after she had crawled out; basically face-planting, and I let her get ahead before I followed.

Well not technically followed, just trying to find my way out. I was well behind her by at least 20 feet, but she still sensed me.

She started running, and I saw houses in the distance, and one of them was mine. The girl ran up to a house, directly opposite mine.

She lived that close?

I ran to the backside of my house, unlocking the back door with one swift movement, purple smoke following in its wake.

I've only been here one month, and this house is already full of magic.

I clambered in the door, and quickly shut it behind me, snapping my fingers to turn the lights on.

I put my bag on the table, and went to take off my hat, when I remembered it wasn't there.

I grabbed something quick to snack on, from the fridge; cheese, and a bottle of water, and I was about to grab something else, when there was a cracking sound and a billow of red smoke came from the living room.

Merlin, my instructor, was standing in my room, via hologram.

"Ah! Seto. Did you find him yet?" I nodded and went over to my couch, taking a seat on it.

"Actually, it's a girl. And yes, she lives next door." Merlin's eyes widened and he shook his head, mumbling things to himself, and it kinda made me nervous, about some of the things he was saying.

"Not now. This can't be happening. First him, now her? Couldn't possibly be her! But then who else?" I clapped my hands, and he stopped mumbling.

"What are you talking about?" He smiled, half-heartedly, and looked past my shoulder.

I followed his gaze, and saw the girl, walking up to her front door.

She was just now getting home?

"Yes, she was trying to dust herself off. She's not supposed to be out in those woods, did you know that?" I shook my head.

He smiled and hit a few buttons that sounded through the device, until he appeared in my house, in the flesh.

"Wow, that lasted longer than usual. Did you move since I last visited?" I nodded and showed him to the couch, which he gladly took a seat, and made a glass of water appear in his hands.

"I need to tell you something important." I nodded and scooted back on the couch, Merlin mimicking my actions.

"She is one of the most powerful, and one of the first female sorcerers. They said that this girl, speaking as she is the new sorceress, wasn't supposed to be discovered for at least another hundred years. Together your magic, since you are also one of the powerful ones, could overcome and defeat this new threat." I sat up in my chair and looked at him.

"One of the chosen? New threat?" Merlin's eyes widened and he sat up in his chair. "He never told you?" I shook my head. "Told me what?"

"I'll talk later. Right now you need to get your hat back from that young lady, and exchange it for this. Be sure, when this card turns red, transfer this over too. I'll explain later. I just need you to get the girl to come to your house, so things can be explained to both of you."

Merlin handed me two cards and a ring; which was purple and full of magic. The two cards were completely blank; one red, and one purple.

"And what happens if I don't get her to come here?" I looked away from the objects, to Merlin.

"Let's just say, that the world would no longer be safe." My eyes widened and I looked at him startled as he snapped his fingers, the card in my hand smoking as he teleported away.

The card puffed away in a cloud of black smoke, and in its place was my hat. I shoved myself back into the couch, thinking, but was distracted when the card flashed red.

I rubbed my hand over the card, and the ring disappeared, words starting to engrave themselves onto the card.

The words finished, and the card flashed red again. I touched the card, and it appeared back in my hand.

Both cards the Merlin sent her were in my hands, the writing burnt into the paper. What on earth would he tell her?

'I knew I sensed something in those woods. Meet me at Times Square, at midnight. Wear this.' Wait. How did Merlin know I sensed something? Oh, duh, idiot me.

He's a sorcerer.

I got up, headed to my kitchen and grabbed the water bottle and threw it away, then went back for another one in the fridge.

I can't have the fridge open long, otherwise everything will spoil inside it with the magical air.

I grabbed more cheese and another water, then checked the time. 6:36, more than enough time to practice magic.

I grabbed a couple spell books, a couple empty potion bottles, and when I looked outside before I headed downstairs, I saw that it was starting to rain.

I put my hand up against the wall, and it parted to reveal my hidden room.

I jumped down the stairs, landing on a cloud of smoke, right before I hit the bottom.

God, I love having magical powers.

I set my stuff down on the counter, grabbed the small cauldron from under the sink, and got everything set up.

Time to practice.







~Skylar Out!~

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