Chapter 9

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~Lizzie's POV~

"I thought I told you, to erase all their memories? AND, TRACES!" Merlin glowered over me, his eyes casting a murderous glare. "I-I tried. She-She's too strong." Merlin clenched his fists, before throwing it at my face.

"I DONT CARE HOW STRONG SHE IS! SETO SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HAVE THE MARK STILL!" I shrunk back against the machine, and started fumbling with the buttons. "B-But sir. Look. Whatever I do to Skylar, it's the same on him. I removed all traces I could, but her cut stayed. So, his did too."

Merlin stared at me, and then the machine, before kicking it, and looking me directly in the eye. "Then we go on to plan B." I took a deep breath. Any idea of Merlins that didn't work the first time, was going to be living hell the second time.

"What exactly is plan B, sir?" Merlin grinned, as if it was obvious. Like anyone with two eyes could see it, but I clearly wasn't that smart.

"You'll just have to find out when the time comes. If only they didn't find out it was me, this would make this whole situation easier, and we wouldn't be in his mistake in the first place!" He slammed his hand against the machine, right next to my ear.

I jumped at the sudden muscle jolt, and I knew I shouldn't have. I thought I was far too used to it now, but like always, I'm wrong.

"You didn't have to tell them. They could have just figured out the mistakes that were happening around them, and put two and two together. You just made the situation a million times more difficult, than it was to begin with." Merlin's eyes burrowed together, and he stared straight between my eyes.

He just stared for a minute, and I felt myself shrinking farther back with the minutes, until an evil smile plastered across his lips. "Change of plans. I've got something way better." His eyes turned from their dark purple color, to a pit black.

"Let's just see how Skylar reacts, when Seto isn't able to be trusted anymore." The air filled with smoke, making me cough and sputter, as Merlin disappeared. I took a deep breath, before sliding down against the machine.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

~Skylar's POV~

Seto stared at the cut, before slowly brushing his thumb against it, ever so gently. Almost as if he was scared he'd harm me, more than I was already. "Do you have any id-" "Not one." He finished my sentence, before the words left my mouth.

"Maybe it was just some freak accident. Didn't you say our dreams were wired to our body? So maybe we just got harmed in them? And coincidently we just happened to have the same dream." His lips pursed together, and he gave a slight nod. "I don't have any other explanation, so I'm going with that."

He tried to place a smile, but it was pretty hard to accomplish when you mysteriously have a gash on your arm, with no significant reason. "I'm going to town. The pub in towns square has the medicine that should heal these. Need anything?" I shook my head in a daze, and watched as he left the house.

I went to the window,and watched as he walked towards the woods, and then teleported. For some strange reason, I felt that something was off about his magic. I sensed that he shouldn't be able to use magic, like he had told me something happened, but I couldn't remember.

I shook my head, and instead focused on my old house across the street. I saw Jasper getting pushed out of the house, and dad taking his gameboy from him. Jasper stomped his foot, and sat down on the porch stairs. I looked around the house, before deciding to head over.

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