Chapter 1

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Word Count: 1467
Date: (Published) 4/12/14 (Edited) 3/16/17

~Skye's POV~

I trudged over the tall thick grass, my foot snagging in lose root. I braced my hand out against a tree, and felt the far too familiar hum. The water running through the tree, making the tree hum with life. I un-lodged my foot, and continued walking. The lake water, glistening, and shining a glare across my eyes.

I got down on my hands and knees, and shoved myself through the canopy of leaves. I landed in the dimly lit room, surrounded by sticks and leaves. The room was humid, just the way I like it. In one corner of the room, I saw a small bunny and crept towards it. My hand outstretched, trying make no other movement.

Today was a nice day, sun shining and not too hot, but not too cold. It was just right. It's no surprise that an animal would be in my fort. They always seem to be attracted to it.

The bunny tensed, but relaxed when it realized I wouldn't hurt it. It's ears slowly started to perk back up, and it hopped forward, and I kept myself still. Its head rubbed into my hand, and then it hopped onto my lap.

I've always had a thing for nature, and magic. I looked around my small little hut, and grabbed my journal from my small bag on my back. A snapping branch brought the bunny running away, out of the hut. I got down on my stomach and peeked out the opening of my hut.

A boy, maybe about my age, walked past with a book in hand, and a jacket in the other. He had brown, kinda curly hair, bright blue/purple eyes, and a small, crooked nose and smile. He had a stressed expression across his face, as he stopped right next to my hide out. My breath caught in my throat, and I froze. I've never seen another human out here in the woods. Granted they are public woods, just nobody dares to go in them, aside from me.

The main reason nobody comes out here is because of the animals, and the unforgiving path. It makes it almost impossible to find your way back out once you go in. Once, when three teenagers; about 14; got lost, nobody ever vowed to come back in.

That was well over 5 years ago, so those kids would be 19. Same age as me.

I guess this kid was ballsy enough to come out here as well.

The kid sighed and chucked a red and purple hat from his head, onto the ground. He started to walk away, and I waited till he was out of hearing distance, before I reached out and grabbed the hat. I pulled it into my small hut and examined it.

There was some sort of brown splotches across the top, maybe cow hide, and it was stitched onto a piece of white fabric. The sides of the hat were plastered with red swirls, overlapping a purple base. I rubbed the fabric in between my hands. This hat felt different than other hats. More... Magical. I quickly stuffed the journal; and hat, in my bag and stood up, right as I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I slipped the bag on over my shoulder and pulled it out.

'Your sisters dance recital is tonight. Time to come home and get ready. You'd better not be out in those woods again. I've warned you, Skylar.'

I rolled my eyes and clicked the respond button.

'Nope. You strictly told me not to go to them.' I lied, but do I care? My mom can't keep me from going to these woods; unless of course, she blocks my way of escaping off. I tucked the phone back in my pocket and looked around the hut.

Making sure everything was safe, and unnoticeable, I crawled out of my hide out, and started on my homemade path home. The sun started setting, and I could tell it was well almost six o'clock. I touched another tree and felt the hum, slowly dying down, as night approached.

It felt as of someone was following me, so I quickened up my pace into a sprint when I saw my house in the distance. My family and I live in a house out in the country, but not to far from civilization. In fact, we lived right next to three other houses. One of them was my dad's old friends from high school. Another was our new neighbors, who we yet to learn about. And the final one belonged to my best friend.

Well. My best friends parents, speaking as my friend was one of the three kids to get lost in the woods. That's why I like to spend so much time in the woods. I'm hoping to find a trace of her, even if it has been five years. Everyone thinks they're dead, but I know deep down inside, that Becca is a fighter.

My phone buzzed inside my pocket again, and I ignored it, since it was probably mom asking where the hell I've been.

Now you may be thinking. If I'm 19, why don't I move out? Well, I tried, but I always found myself coming back to this house. It's almost as if I'm drawn to this house, and I'll never want to leave.

I stomped up the front porch and brushed myself off, no need for my family getting suspicious. Inside I heard yelling, and people trampling through the house. I sighed and pushed open the door, getting greeted by Kenna.

"SKYE'S HOME! NOW WE CAN GO!" Kenna grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards the living room. I made things hard for her and put all my weight into my feet, and she turned back around and grabbed my other hand. "Come-On." She started pulling with all her force, and my mom came in.

"Skylar. Cut it out." My mom was the only one who used my full first name, since everyone else always called me Skye. I heard a door slam downstairs, and heavy footsteps come up the stairs. Dad. Unmistakable.

"I'm home!" He peeked his head out from around the couch. "Aw! There's my three favorite girls! Now... Where my little guy?" Jasper raised his hand, and looked up from his game-boy.

"There he is!" My dad went over to him and took the game-boy from him. Jasper groaned and rolled out of the chair as my dad looked from Jasper to me.

"You should try acting like your sister once in awhile. Try reading, or writing, and get off the stupid computer." My dad put the game-boy up on the shelf, as Jasper mumbled. "Game-boy. Not computer."

"Come on kids. Come eat quickly. We have to leave in about ten minutes." I shrugged and walked over to the cupboard. "I'm not so hungry. I'm going to go to my room, let me know when we leave." Jasper fist pumped the air, and my mom sighed.

"Fine. But try to eat something small." I nodded and grabbed a piece of bread, held it up to her, and she nodded. I grabbed my bag from the counter and walked down the hall to my room, elbowing the door open and took in everything around my room.

My one blue wall stood out amongst the other three. All black, but one grey. I chucked the bag onto my bed, and kicked my shoes off, sitting on my bed and pulling the pillows up to brace me up. I looked over at my bag, and saw it sink down, as if it was deflating. I narrowed my eyes at it, and pulled it over to me, unhinging the bag and looking inside.

Nothing seemed different, or missing, until I noticed the hat. It was gone, but replaced by a small, purple, note.

The card was blank, until words started to appear, seeming to be writing themselves. I watched for a few moments as they wrote themselves out, and then they stopped as I ran my hand across it, something else appeared in my lap next to it. My eyes widened and I quickly read the note.

'I knew I sensed something. Meet me in Times Square, tonight at midnight. Wear this.' I looked down at the object and picked it up. Who was out there with me, and why did they want me to meet them at midnight? And what the did a purple ring have to do with any of this?







THX MAI Skye Walkers!

~Kenzie Out!~

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